16 December 2013

Monday Mischief #16- Making Up for Lost Time

We were gone for part of the weekend to go tubing so the dogs decided to make up for lost time and be extra naughty when we came back. We had a friend come over and watch them... it's not like we abandoned them or anything! 

So far Onyxx has:
  • Upended a small trash can and stole a paper towel that was used to wipe up sauce and licked it.
  • Stole a granola bar wrapper from an end table.
  • Licked the ice cream lid
  • Found a corn husk on the street and walked for several blocks proudly carrying it in his mouth. I'm very sad I didn't get a picture. I knew he had it but he has been having some food guarding issues lately so I waited until I could trade a treat for it. 
Part of it is really our fault. I'm so used to Mr. N behaving and not touching/eating things around the house that I don't really dog proof most things. Sometimes I'll give him his food (raw meat so extra high value) and leave the room to go do something and he will not touch his food until I give him the OK when I come back. 

Although that doesn't mean that Mr. N doesn't participate in acts of mischief. He tried to jump up on top of a chair in the kitchen yesterday. Which was very strange because he is not allowed in the kitchen and he knows it. He hardly ever tries to go in there and there was nothing on the table that was edible. I was gone so maybe he thought he heard me coming and tried to look out the window? I have no other explanation. 

The dogs while we were gone


  1. Tell those doggies that so close to Christmas, it doesn't pay to be naughty. Wouldn't want Santa to pass them by, (like that would ever happen)...lol.

    1. Onyxx at least better shape up if he wants a home for Christmas! Mr. N's gifts aren't returnable... lol.

  2. I wouldn't be very good at dog proofing either. Naughty doggies.

    1. Well you work with limited space to begin with lol. When strange dogs visit, I'm always thinking about how our house is not dog proofed at all. Especially for big dogs.

  3. Sounds like Onyxx is up to a lot of mischief!

    1. He is! Santa may bring him coal if he isn't careful. He would probably try to eat the coal though.

  4. Even the best behaved pups have to enjoy a little mischief every now and then! :)

  5. Oh, they look so sweet sleeping together! A little mischief keeps momma on her toes! (How did Onyxx's meet and greet go? I'm guessing it wasn't a match... poor kid.)

  6. Uh - oh, don't they know Santa is watching!

  7. oh dear, Santa is going to have to check his list

    retro rover

  8. Don't listen to the Browndawgs, santa especially loves mischievous doggies! Tee Hee It's not like he's ever not called on me! :)

    In fact, I waited until my Mum was distracted reading this and went off and did some mischief myself! I'll have to post about it :)

    Keep up the good work guys

    Your pal Snoopy :)

    1. Haha. Thanks, Snoopy. Onyxx went off and did some mischief as well. Guess we'll find out what the dogs have been up to next week!


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