23 December 2013

Monday Mischief #17 - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The good:
  • Onyxx learned how to jump through a hoop on command.
  • Onyxx met a quasi-celebrity. 
  • Mr. N is recovering from his illness with the aid of sub-Q fluids, injections and pills.

The bad:
  • Mr. N was very sick. He was starting to get dehydrated and lethargic so we headed to the vet. Why oh why do they always insist on getting sick on holidays/weekends? I'm threatening to count the vet visit as his Christmas present. 
  • Mr. N is the worst invalid ever. The day after his vet visit, he tried to wrestle with Onyxx and play with his beloved bear. 
  • I took Mr. N to the pet store to pick out a toy as a consolation prize for the long vet visit/sickness and he picked the most expensive one. Of course. 
  • Onyxx went to the Petsmart adoption and no one was there (potential adopter-wise).
  • Onyxx's meet and greet didn't work out. 
  • The vet (not our normal one) was anti-raw and fixated on that as the reason for Mr. N's illness ignoring other potential reasons. 

The ugly:
  • Onyxx stole some of Mr. N's "invalid" food. Is this worse or better than stealing food from a baby?
  • We came home to a room that had to be cleaned from top to bottom with bleach due to Mr. N not feeling well. We are very grateful it wasn't one of the carpeted rooms.
  • I think I broke Onyxx's little Chihuahua brain while trying to teach him how to "leave it." 


  1. Oh no. Poor Mr. N. Hope he is feeling better soon. I hope Onyx finds a home. He is so cute.

    1. Thanks. If he doesn't find a home soon, I'm getting him a tutu!

  2. Poor Mr. N....feel better fast! The people who are supposed to have Onyxx just haven't met him yet. They will!!

  3. I know what you mean about kids--furry and not--getting sick on the weekend. Been there, done that, paid the emergency clinic with an arm and a leg. (All worth it, though.) Hope Mr. N feels better.

    Susan and the gang from Life with Dogs and Cats

    1. Luckily we didn't have to go into the emergency clinic. I wanted to go early so we didn't have to run into that issue.

  4. Get well soon Mr. N! And Onyxx will be home soon... :) Meghan from 2catsandacattledog.com

  5. Hope Mr N feels better- Kids and Furkids always get sick over holidays or weekends. Hope Onyxx finds a home soon- so cute! Happy Hols X Talent Hounds

  6. Roooo hope Mr N feels better soon - that photo with the bear is really cute, they are almost the same size *Waggy tail*

    Woofs from Alfie

    1. Thanks Alfie! I thought it was funny how Mr. N curled up the same way as the bear, only the opposite way.

  7. Oh, dear - there's a lotta bad & ugly there... Sorry to hear that Mr N was not feeling well. And that sucks that the vet was trying to blame his diet. And yes... they do always seem to get sick on the holidays/weekends. Never fails. Sorry to hear Onyxx's meet-n-great didn't go well. On the plus side, glad to hear Mr. N is recovering okay. Hopefully Onyxx will find his new peeps in the new year!

    1. I hope so! I really hope we don't have Onyxx for another year lol.

  8. OH no! Feel better Mr N. Don't let that vet visit be your present!

    1. Oh... he will be thoroughly spoiled. The boyfriend's mom buys special dog wrapping paper just for his presents if that's any indication.

  9. Sending love and well wishes to Mr. N for a speedy recovery. I don't know why they always seem to get sick on Saturday nights and holidays. : ( Feel better soon!

    1. Thank you! I don't know why they always pick those times either.


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