14 March 2014

FitDog Friday #24 - Overshadowed

The boyfriend jokes that Mr. N thinks he's a big black dog because at his foster home, he took their Giant Schnauzer as a role model and imitated everything he did. 

He's not afraid of bigger dogs at all and will not hesitate to correct them if he feels like they're intruding in his space. Which often happens, big dogs don't seem to realize their size either! They always want to sniff his face. So when Sage's human suggested hiking with her friend with a Saint Bernard and Great Pyrenees mix, I said sure.

It was a gorgeous day albeit windy. Sage found a stick as did Toby and they went swimming in the water after them. Mr. N preferred to run up and down the shore. 

We parted ways for a while and Toby and Heidi took a shorter trail while Mr. N and Sage took the long way. We met back up with them and everyone got treats in an attempt to get all four of the dogs in a photo. Mr. N usually got his last because he was overshadowed by all the other dogs crowding in. 

We had to make special efforts to make sure he got his fair share.

Towards the end, we tried getting all of the dogs together again for a photo which was difficult. Here, Sage and Heidi pose.

This was as good as it got!

All of the dogs miraculously managed to stay relatively clean. I was planning on giving Mr. N a bath anyway so it didn't really matter but Sage (with the help of a leash for a short period) didn't roll in anything foul this time. Just mud puddles.

Mr. N wanted to keep going. Two hours of hiking didn't tire him out at all. I ended up taking him on another walk afterwards. Where does he keep all his energy?


  1. Looks like a great outing and I bet Mr. N. got lots of exercise keeping up with the 'big dogs'. Way to go buddy.

  2. It was nice to only give Sage a 'hosing' this time! Fun hike and we're looking forward to the next one.

  3. Two hour hike didn't tire him out? What a trooper! Love the photos and how he held his own with the big dogs!

  4. Barley is the same way! She will be tired for the car ride back home after a 2-hour adventure, but as soon as we get back home she's ready for the next adventure. I wish I could channel some of her energy for myself!

  5. Mr N is just so full of energy! :D I would be out dead after all that walking! Glad you guys got to have such a fun hike with your friends. :)

  6. You got to admire Mr. N. His energy is contagious! I wish I had half of it.

    --Woofs (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  7. As a big dog owner, I love that Mr N loves big dogs! So often we don't even have to be on the same sidewalk for a little dog to freak out at Moses and Alma. But I bet they'd both love to hang out with Mr N!

  8. Susan and the gang from Life with Dogs and Cats have nominated you for the Field of Flowers Award. View our post and see why we nominated you and six others.

  9. Hi Y'all!

    Mr. N, you are one fit fellow!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  10. Wow, Mr. N is like the energizer bunny, isn't he? Our small beagle is like that too. That is great that he feels comfortable with all those big dogs, and that sounds like such a fun time.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. Mr N is dwarfed by that pack BUT still stands his ground. Fantastic to see you guys out & about


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