17 March 2014

Monday Mischief #27 - Plunging into Mischief

My friend's daughters and their friends were holding a doll party. They also happened to have a robot dog toy with them. They thought Mr. N's reaction to it was hilarious.

Afterwards, I took the girls and Mr. N down to the park. We were walking back from the dock when suddenly Mr. N jumps into the water. And the river is running high! I didn't even have time to think but fished him out by his harness. He was only half wet. Mr. N is not fond of getting wet so it really surprised me. I think he saw the driftwood and thought it was land and jumped. 

We met up with She Speaks Bark and her dog Scooter at the Tin Shed Garden Cafe which has a menu just for dogs. The dogs split the Paw Lickin' Good (chicken with rice). I also brought along bully sticks so the dogs would have something to do while we ate and talked. Scooter declined to eat his so Onyxx decided to eat both of them. Best day ever.

Photo by She Speaks Bark 


  1. :) Onyxx made out like a bandit! And OMD! Mr. N and jumping in! What a heart attack moment!

    1. I didn't even have time to panic. My reflexes kicked in and I hauled him out of there on auto-pilot.

  2. I can't believe Scooter didn't want that bully stick- Onyxx thinks he is officially the best friend ever!

    1. If Scooter gets a little thin during the next few days, you'll know why!

  3. Enjoyed the video - Toby got freaked out by a talking Elmo once! Wonder what he'd do about a robot dog?! Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a scare with Mr. N jumping in the water. So glad he's okay!

    --Woofs (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

    1. Thanks. He's fine, just a little startled that it wasn't solid ground. I hope he learned his lesson!

  5. Hopefully he learned his lesson bout da river.

  6. When I was little toys like that were my favorite mr n' s reaction is pretty funny
    Retro rover

  7. Uhh Mr. N jumping in the river. A good thing you was quick to fish him out again. And the video it's so funny. Have a great day.

  8. Mr N's reaction to the toy and the giggling was too adorable!!!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota www.dakotasden.net

  9. Ooooo scary jumping in the water. The video is too cute though.

  10. Oh Mr N you're silly! That sure was some mischief, glad your Mom was on hand to scoop you out again quickly!

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)


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