17 July 2014

FitDog Friday #38 - Gearhart Beach

Portland was under a heat advisory so we jumped in the car and headed for the coast. We ended up at the beach at Gearhart. It's not as popular as the more touristy towns so it was relatively uncrowded. You can drive your car up this particular beach past a certain point so we went the opposite way because we didn't want the dogs getting accidentally run over. Mr. N is sand colored....

The dogs adore the beach because it means they get to run and run and there's all sorts of interesting things for them to investigate. Like the dead bird Mr. N found and that Sage tried to roll on.

And sticks. Sage found a long one and was carrying it around in her mouth. I was a little worried that Mr. N might get poked in the eye accidentally with it because it was so long and he was running around trying to steal it from her. This is before he found his own stick.

We ran into a few other dogs on the way and the dogs said hello. 

But mostly, they just like to run with each other. I think part of the reason why Mr. N adores Sage so much is because she is almost always up for a good game of chase.

Or at least Sage thinks it's a game. Mr. N takes it rather seriously.

The first time Mr. N went to the beach, he drank some salt water and was sick. I don't know if he remembers being sick or he remembers us sternly admonishing him not to drink salt water on that trip but he doesn't do it anymore. Now I make sure he gets regular water breaks so he's not tempted.

We made a stop in Astoria on our way back and played tourist. More to come on Monday.


  1. Nothing like the beach with your buddies on a hot summer day.

  2. What an awesome beach and photos! Rocco and Mr. N have so much in common! Rocco is sand colored also, and looks a lot like Mr. N when wet! Happy FitDog Friday!
    Diane and Rocco

  3. Great photo of fun on the beach! It is so great that you taught Mr. N not to drink saltwater. I bet that doesn't taste good and would upset Mr. N's stomach. I would be concerned about that if Veruca and I ever made it to the beach.

    1. I'm not quite sure if we taught it to him or he figured it out lol.

  4. I love seeing the pictures of Mr. N and Sage playing! This looks like such a fun day! Barley and I have had to seek out the less touristy beaches here, too!

  5. Looks like a great beach day for Mr. N!

  6. Empty beaches are the best! So much space for zoomies.
    I still haven't been able to curb Chewy's salt water drinking. Hopefully one day!

  7. A beach, some sticks, some friends. What else could a dog want?

    Great post.

    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  8. What a fun day! I wish we were closer to the seacoast so the dogs could experience it. I'm not sure many of our beaches even allow dogs though. I think one does during certain hours early in the morning.

  9. I love having beaches to myself, I'm not a fan of crowds :) Also, my first dog would drink himself sick whenever we took him the beach. We'd scold him but he'd started doing it again when we weren't looking. He'd throw it all up later, thankfully not in the car. XD

  10. I think most people that own a dog have all experienced the 'saltwater thirst' at some stage. Very scary results. Thankfully we've always managed to rein Scooter in before he attempts to drink his fill :)

  11. Beautiful pictures at the beach. Were you tempted to go in yourself?


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