26 September 2014

FitDog Friday #48 - Think Lost Dog, Not Stray

I think it's safe to say that most people find Mr. N adorable. He is blessed with stuffed animal looks. He of course thinks that everyone should find him adorable but I'll leave some leeway in there for people who find Mr. N's looks to not be their cup of tea.

It takes time and grooming and baths and dry weather to keep him looking that way.

Long-haired dogs (especially the ones with hair) start to look grungy fast. If it is raining hard or he goes swimming or he hikes in the mud, he looks like a grubby orphan puppy and not a dog who has a home. 


Orphan Mr. N. Clearly no one feeds him or bathes him or takes care of him.
He could be lost for a few minutes in the rain and people would think that he's a stray dog whose owners haven't been taking care of him. 

Not to mention he runs thin and when he's wet, he shrinks dramatically to where he's pretty much all skin and bones. It's easy to see how people would think he's starved especially as many people have obese dogs they think are normal. 

So if you find a stray dog, and they are injured or thin or filthy, don't assume that they've been abused and abandoned! They could have been lost for some time or if they are like Mr. N,  minutes would do. 


  1. Funny, I never think stray. I have been a city girl for a very, very long time and in the cities I have lived in strays are pretty much non-existent.

    1. Or abused, I guess. He does start looking neglected very fast!

  2. Good advise...and a wet Mr. N is also adorable...pitiful little thing ;)

  3. Oh my gosh. A wet Mr. N is pretty amusing ;) In my area, dogs are lost all the time so I immediately think lost rather than stray. Our first stop is always to the shelter to check for a chip!

  4. Oh Mr N, that would be me as well. I look like a disaster dog so easily too, and I lose half my size when I get soaked! Very good point you make here.

  5. Oh poor Mr. N look pathetic in that last picture. lol At least he is also fashionable.

    1. One must strive to always be fashionable despite the circumstances.

  6. LOL Mr. N! Who knew you were so petite. ;)

  7. I generally always think lost versus stray. You don't see many strays out here. :)

  8. I think Mr. N is still adorable even when he's a little grubby! Barley's got strange, duck-like fur that water just kind of rolls off of, so she never really looks wet like that--but her whites do not always stay white, which is my signal that it's time for another bath! (She's getting one this afternoon!)

  9. Mr. N looks pretty smug about his grunge look!

  10. That's a very good point. One dunk in the pond and roll in the dirt today, and Sheba looked like she could have been a stray dog as well! It doesn't take long when they have long hair or fur.
    BTW, we're in the camp that thinks Mr. N is adorable....he even looks cute when he's wet and dirty!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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