17 October 2014

FitDog Friday #51 - Hiking Triple Falls

After Mr. N recovered from his raisin incident, we set forth with Sage to explore Triple Falls. We made a quick stop at Multnomah Falls for some food (the lodge doesn't allow dogs so we ate outside) and for a picture. I think the dogs ended up in some tourists' photos.

Mr. N likes to create his own switchbacks. I have to remind him to stay on the path. I don't know why people worry about little dogs maneuvering hiking trails. If they're reasonably athletic, I don't see how most trails would give them trouble. Mr. N is very good at going between, under or over various obstacles. He can also jump three feet at least (he used to jump out of his play pen all the time).

The trail was extremely rocky and the humans had to concentrate on where to step. The dogs didn't care. The advantage of being steady on four paws.

Although I'm also pretty sure Mr. N is part goat. He deliberately seeks out boulders to climb on. In any case, he's a much better hiker than I am. 

He wants to go, go, go! He gets bored when we stop for water breaks and for the humans to catch their breath. Sage was also panting because she gets warm easily. Mr. N yawns at the rest of us for being slowpokes.

After much scrambling over rocks and wondering if the trail was ever going to end, we reached Triple Falls! 

There was a particular stretch that was especially treacherous and I almost slipped. I let Mr. N go ahead and told him to wait at the bottom while I gingerly made my way down.

Sage was a good girl and made sure to keep pace with her human who is recovering from an injury. As for Mr. N, he flew down the trail hampered only by me at the end of the leash. Here we are at the trail head waiting for Sage to make it down.


  1. Mr. N, you crack me up. You are one tough little fellow. I think it is a good thing you and Sage photo bombed those tourists as you are much cuter in the photo than they are! Looks like a fun and challenging walk! Thanks for joining the hop!

  2. The falls are beautiful but I am not sure I would make it down the log steps...lol. I noticed the same thing when we are in the forest with the dogs. They get though things (over and under) that really slow me down.

  3. What a great trail. Mr. N., you are surely one of the most athletic "little dogs" I know - you set a good example. Love the photobomb.

  4. That is a beautiful hike! Barley is a much better hiker than I am, too, but she's also very patient with my lack of coordination and balance and does a good job sticking with me on the tough parts. I love Mr. N's yawning picture!

  5. Great photobomb! I love it! The scenery where you are is BEAUTIFUL! We're pretty jealous going through your pictures. :)

  6. LOL--I posted about this hike also! It was a good one!!

  7. So happy you posted more pics from this walk! Looks amazing. Be sure to check out our blog post today, Mr. N makes a cameo!

  8. Beautiful! Mr. N and Wilhelm are just so much alike... stopping for pictures is boring, following the trail is boring and part mountain goat!

  9. Great job Mr N the goat, keeping them encouraged to stop slacking! :)

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  10. Those falls are beautiful! I think Mr. N has the advantage of being low to the ground, and having that "four paw drive" as my hubby and I call it sometimes! But I think his energy level is probably his biggest advantage! That looks like such a great hike, and I bet those tourists really enjoyed seeing the dogs posing like that.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. Triple falls looks very similar to the SolDuc Falls in Olympic National Park. Seriously. Look up a photo if you haven't been there.


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