13 October 2014

Monday Mischief #47 - Portland Pet Expo and Blogger Meetup

We were in the parking lot for the Portland Pet Expo when I spotted two familiar looking dogs. I immediately told my friend who was driving, "let's go stalk them!" We parked a few spots away and I approached the couple with the dogs and was like so this may be weird, but do you have a blog about your dogs? And it was Kelsie from It's Dog or Nothing on a road trip.

I brought Mr. N over and we posed all the dogs together for a photo.

They were just leaving the Expo so we made plans for the next day and we went into the Expo.

Mr. N generally rides in his airline carrier at these things. He still gets to see everything and he gets to have his little "bubble" of space. Plus I don't want him getting stepped on. We walked around and gathered samples and entered various raffles. And Mr. N has his caricature drawn. Does it look like him?

I didn't know this at the time but Zoe and Phoenix from Adventures of Zoe & Phoenix were at the Expo while we were there as well. So we all had lunch the following day with the five dogs at a food cart pod. We had a lovely time eating Southern food and pizza and Korean tacos and chatting about dogs and other things. Mostly dogs.

And that was our dog-centric weekend and our impromptu blogger meetup!


  1. We saw the photos on FB. Looks like lots of fun. We are big enough no one would step on us, but when we used to watch our friend Buddy, Mom always was worried about him getting stepped on.

  2. Love it! That last picture is positively precious!

    Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

  3. We had such a great time meeting everyone! :-D

  4. What fun! And that drawing is barking good!

  5. That's got to be the coolest thing - to spot a fellow blogger up close and personal. Great group photos too!

  6. Oh, what fun! Looks like a great time was had by all! Love the little caricature! Very smart to keep Mr. N in his carrier - I'd be worried walking through a busy place like that with a little guy too.

  7. That's a very cute caricature of Mr. N.

  8. How awesome! Not only do you get to have a blast at the expo...you get a blogger meet! What fun!

  9. This sounds like so much fun! It's always funny how you recognize the pet before you recognize the owner :) I work at a doggie hotel, and I always recognize each dog and know their names...but I know almost none of the pet parents' names! Great photos, and I LOVE the caricature - are you going to frame it and hang it up?!

  10. What fun that you all met up like that and got together! I love the caricature of Mr. N, it really does look like him.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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