09 November 2014

Monday Mischief #50 - Does your dog hate the camera?

Mr. N has always loved the camera. And the camera loves him back. He is a photogenic little monkey. And he's a good sport about posing in different poses and different locations. On a train or in a tree or in a car.

People frequently watch him getting his photo taken and are like omg, your dog is posing! And I'm reply that's what he does.

So I forget sometimes that not all dogs are anxious to shove themselves in front of the camera. There was a photographer taking photos of a woman on the beach and Mr. N ran right in front of the camera while the other dogs avoided it.

Mr. N doesn't understand dogs who aren't like that.

Does your dog love or hate the camera?


  1. Zoe used to hate the camera but she's fine now!

  2. Walter is a poser and comes running if he hears the camera. Millie always looks tortured in pictures and hates to pose.

  3. Our crazy poodle is a bit of a poser in front of the camera, it's the quickest way to get a treat he knows!
    Wren x

  4. I'm a model through and through. I hear the camera shutter and come running. I love having my photo taken and honestly, I get really mad when Mom takes photos of the other pets without me. I often run in and photo bomb the shots. Once and a while I'm not in the mood, but Mr. N, we are both on the same page I think.

    1. Mr. N will photobomb too! He doesn't understand the concept of photos without him.

  5. These two are pretty good. Torrey is an excellent poser for me. Roxy will if she is in the mood for it.

  6. Your Mr N is well trained to love the camera. And he is so incredibly photogenic, it's a very good thing. My dogs don't mind posing, as long as there are treats involved. And it doesn't take too long. And there are no distractions like bugs and squirrels. Trying to get three dogs to look at the camera simultaneously doesn't happen very often, but when it does, it's magical.

    Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

    1. A little bit is training but mostly he just really loves attention lol. He's vain that way.

  7. Mr. N is so adorable! My dogs are in a witness protection program or something. Not one of the 3 likes the camera :-(

  8. That was hilarious!! Cole doesn't seem to care. He'll "wait!" because he loves me, not because he's obedient. He is photogenic but really, unless he starts getting paid in squirrels to be a model doesn't care. LeeAnna and Cole at not afraid of color

  9. That first photo is just so adorable Mr.N!

  10. Such cute pics!! I miss my Abby... She was a super model and would totally pose! Rita... Not so much... But I've got hope for her yet!

  11. I love this! My sister has a little dog who is a complete diva in front of the camera. Riley...eh. He will do anything for a treat, but if there's no treat near the camera? Forget about it!

  12. Harley has his moments, he loves the camera but I finding out more and more - it's on his terms most of the time!

  13. Luke is proving to be better about the camera than either of the girls have been. The only problem is he's still too young and fidgety, so I can't always get him to hold still!


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