15 December 2014

Monday Mischief #53 - You Shall Not Pass

Mr. N is not big into toys and he normally leaves other dogs' toys alone. With Sage though, he is merciless about stealing her toys. He'll even wade into water which he normally avoids to make sure the stick/ball/other item doesn't make it to shore without him. 

 He only pretends to look repentant.

Be sure to enter our giveaway for $200 PayPal Cash!
Using the giveaway widget below, you have eight entries for the $200 PayPal cash drawing. In addition, by visiting all of the participating blogs linked below, you get even more chances to win. One grand prize winner will be chosen from the sweepstakes on each blog. Be sure to enter on all of the blogs for the most chances to win. Happy Holidays and may the odds be ever in your favor! 


  1. Sometimes, stolen toys are the best kind!

    Love and licks,

  2. LOL...That's funny he can steal from a bigger dog.

  3. Love the Lord of the Rings reference. Mr. N needs his staff!

    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

  4. Hehe. You know I have an ulterior motive in luring you out in that water, don't you, Mr. N? How else am I going to get you to swim???

  5. When I try to subscribe to RSS feed I just get a page of mumbo jumbo yes that is my techincal terms being used. LOL Any help?

    1. You can just copy and paste the link (http://tenaciouslittleterrier.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default) to which RSS feeder you use (blog lovin, feedly etc).

  6. Cute pics! Love that not-really-repentant one! Good luck to all the entrants!

  7. Mr. N and Sage have a very special relationship! He must know how much she loves him, and that she will put up with his silliness.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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