06 February 2015

FitDog Friday #63 - Dog Safety Class

A friend of a friend contacted me about having Mr. N be the "demo dog" for a dog safety class for kids. She belongs to a homeschooling group and one of the kids was bitten by a dog at a Superbowl party. She had a lesson planned which included dog body language, how to approach a dog and rules for interacting with dogs but wanted a real dog to practice with.

The request was for a cute, calm and happy dog to receive petting from toddlers (five of them!). Calmness is not Mr. N's strongest trait but I thought we could probably manufacture calmness for a short period of time. 

A bigger dog would probably be a better fit for toddlers normally (due to being sturdier and less likely to get injured) but if you're looking for a non-scary dog, Mr. N fits the bill. He is probably the least intimidating looking dog ever. 

So we went over and the kids practiced gentle petting and giving treats nicely. Mr. N also showed off some tricks including dance which was very popular and was requested again.

He was a little bit wary (we normally don't work with kids this young) and I don't blame him. Toddlers are loud and unpredictable and rambunctious. But he was happy to take treats from the kids and eat the treats I gave him for keeping still while the kids experimented with petting .

I was very proud of him especially because the environment was so distracting. There was another dog (in another room but we could hear banging and barking) and a cat in the house as well as the five kids. Mr. N's attitude was pretty much, "we interrupted my walk for this?" But he was a good boy and I hope the little boy is a little bit more comfortable around dogs.

How is your dog with kids?


  1. Aww, great job Mr. N! Rocco's good with kids too. I do watch the kids closely, though, because I don't want them yanking on his fur... which is all too tempting. I want to keep the experience positive for Rocco so that he continues to be calm around kids. Rocco also LOVES to perform his tricks for them!

    1. I know! I have to keep kids from hugging him which he tolerates but is not very fond of.

  2. Good boy Mr. N. I'm afraid Jack wouldn't be too good around kids - he's a big guy (80lbs) and doesn't really have good boundaries, I'd be afraid he'd step on someone!

  3. What an important lesson Mr T thanks so much for helping the boy, you don't want him to grow up with a fear of dogs. I hope the parents learned some safety lessons too. Love Dolly

  4. We like to jump up on kids which often knocks them over. For that reason, Mr. N's size would be much better.

  5. Good job Mr. N for being an ambassador for all of us doggies.

    the brown dawgs

  6. Good for Mr. N. He certainly likes kids better than Sage does, although she seems to be getting better...

    1. Dealing with kids is hard! At our last shelter visit, this baby/toddler(?) tried to squeeze Mr. N's muzzle. I picked Mr. N up and gave him a ton of treats. Sage would not have been happy with that.

  7. Mr. N is such a good boy! Barley would not have been a good dog for that demo (unless they wanted an up close demonstration of dog body language to avoid). When toddlers start moving in their funny little ways, her herding instincts kick in and she wants to put a stop to movement by any creature except for herself :)

    1. If kids start running, Mr. N likes to chase too but I think he takes it as a gesture to play. He doesn't nip or anything. Sometimes if the kids are good and fine with dogs, I'll let Mr. N play "tag" with the kids.

    2. Tag! How cute! I think Barley thinks tiny kids are weird naked sheep and she'll chase and nip at them.

  8. Nice job, Mr. N! Our girl Missy is super gentle with kids of all ages, while her brother Buzz tends to be a lot more rambunctious. Isn't it funny how dogs are different?

  9. That is one of the cutest photos of Mr.N! Keep up the good work :)

  10. Sounds like you did GREAT, Mr. N. I love kids, and I think they taste delicious. I give lots of kisses to taste them.

    Love and licks,

  11. Oh, what a great thing to do! Maybe starting out with a smaller dog was the best thing for the little boy who got bit. Our girls love kids, but Luke is afraid of them. I think it's their unpredictability that freaks him out. They're still one minute, and off the next....he doesn't know what to make of that.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. Zoe is okay with older kids, like pre-teen and teenagers. Neither of my dogs like the little ones, though. We've had way too many scary experiences with them.

    1. Mr. N had a leg fracture after his first family's kids stepped on him (twice). Miraculously, he still likes kids though! He prefers the older ones (six and up?) but can deal with the younger ones under supervised and controlled circumstances.

  13. Way to go Mr. N. You did a great job with those kids. We love kids but tend to get a little bouncy around them.

  14. Congrats on Mr. N's interaction with the young kids. Alice, the hound-mix, who is our little gal can be very leery around the five grandchildren,,,but she is getting better.

  15. Congrats on Mr. N's interaction with the young kids. Alice, the hound-mix, who is our little gal can be very leery around the five grandchildren,,,but she is getting better.

  16. That's awesome! I bet you were so proud of Mr. N...what a great role model. :)

  17. You go Mr. N. - Look at you, the ambassador for little people. PS: Like that coat on you too!


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