22 March 2015

Monday Mischief #62 - Therapy Dog Title

Mr. N has officially received his therapy dog novice title. Dogs who are certified through an AKC-approved organization and make at least ten therapy visits can earn the title. He qualified back in January (or was it December?), but I didn't send in the paperwork for a bit and then it took a couple of weeks for the AKC to process his title. 

I'm hoping to add a CGC and possibly a nosework title this year. I don't think there will be enough lure coursing trials (CAT for the non-sighthounds) close by for him to get another title for at least enough year or two. 

Photo by: One Lifetime Photography
What goals are your dogs working toward this year?


  1. Congratulations. Bailie and I got our CGC titles last summer and she is hoping to add tracking. Nose work is not an AKC title, sadly. I hope some day the make it one as it is a serious and good sport. I found out barn hunting is an AKC title sport, not sure why nose work isn't yet.

    1. I'm not sure why it isn't either. Maybe someday. Have you tried Barn Hunt?

  2. Congratulations, Mr. N. That's awesome. CGC is a good goal to have. I had to get it for my therapy work. Mom says it was a fluke that I was successful at my test. Something about naughty behavior and jackasses in my head.

    Love and licks and who me?

  3. Congratulations Mr. N. That's fantastic. My goal for Harley this year is his CGC and of course I will have to wait a while for Jax to mature a bit before he can go for any certifications. I think you are so adorable - you will be terrific bringing a smile to everyone's face!

    1. I'm pretty sure the kids think he's a stuffed toy come to life.

  4. Hi Y'all!

    Congrats Mr N! I know you'll keep up the good work. You make an excellent model, by the way.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. Congratulations Mr N! I'm doing nose work now and its a lot of fun! Love Dolly

  6. Well congratulations, Mr. N! My goals for my dogs include plenty of Jones Natural Chews treats consumed and gnawed. ;)

  7. oh what an accomplishment! Well done! Now go help people! You know they need it, and their noses aren't that good. LeeAnna at not afraid of color

    1. Yes! Although I think I could live without some of the things Mr. N finds.

  8. Congratulations, Mr. N. My Tucker got his CGC certificate a few years ago. I'd love to certify him as a therapy dog, but I need more time for that, so it has to wait.

    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  9. Congratulations, Mr. N! Those are some wonderful goals you have. I want to get Luke into a nosework class to start with, and then we'll see where we can go from there. We live in such a rural area any titles, etc., will require a lot of travel so I'm not sure if we'll got that far or not.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. Congrats Mr. N. You are a very talented little guy. We aren't working on anything except our usual zoomies in our yard.

  11. Chapeau, Mr. N! We are hoping to get our girl Missy therapy-dog certified at some point ~ first we need to make sure her cancer chapter is closed though (looking good so far).

  12. Yay, Mr. N! Barley and I would like to get back into some more formal noseworks training--but our trainer has had a lot of things that have kept her from being able to teach more courses, so for now, we're just continuing to practice on our own.


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