03 May 2015

Click for Joy (Clicker Training Book Review)

My go-to recommendation book for clicker training is "Click for Joy! Questions and Answers from Clicker Trainers and Their Dogs" by Melissa Alexander. I did not discover the book until I was further into clicker training. It would have saved me time and some trial and error if I had read it beforehand.

The author is the moderator for a clicker training forum and compiled some of the mostly commonly asked questions and answers about clicker training in this book. The book covers a lot of technical ground while providing clear and concise answers (in a Q&A format). It also has an index and cross-references other sections of the book.

This is not a step-by-step how to teach your dog how to wave with a clicker kind of book (personally, I prefer video for that type of thing). It's more about providing you with the knowledge behind how clicker training works, why it works and how to be a more efficient clicker trainer. And I like how it's not just for beginners, clicker trainers of various levels can benefit from this book.

Some of my favorite questions and answers:
  • Will I have to use the clicker and treats forever?
  • What do I do if my dog intentionally disobeys a known command? 
  • How do I add distance/duration to a behavior? 
  • How do I train against distractions?
  • How long will it take to train my dog?
  • What is management? How do I "set my dog up for success?"
Do you have any favorite training books?

Mr. N ready to demonstrate his clicker training skills at the non-profit fair
Welcome to First Monday's Positive Pet Training Blog Hop hosted by Cascadian NomadsTenacious Little Terrier and Rubicon Days. Please share your responsible pet owner positive pet training tips by linking a blog post or leaving a comment below. Any positive reinforcement training posts or comments are also always welcome. The Positive Pet Training Blog Hop goes all week long. Our next hop will begin Monday, June 1st and continues for a week. The June theme is multiple pet training. 


  1. I have this book but haven;t had it out for a while and I realized I have forgotten the answers to some of those questions! Thank you so much for your book review and reminder that we all need, well, reminders.

  2. Clicker training is so popular these days.


  3. I think I might check this book out. Great review and adorable picture!

  4. OMD! That photo is like something from Hollywood! You are a seriously good poser! We don't use a clicker, Mom just can't do it, but we do alright without one too.

    1. Some are born to pose, some achieve posing, and some have posing thrust upon them. I think most dogs fall in the latter category but Mr. N was born to pose lol. It's all him!

  5. Great pose. We love to avoid the camera at all costs.

  6. Thanks for the book recommendation. Our trainer has taught us clicker training, but it's always good to have a refresher.

  7. I posted about training books as well, but this is one that I haven't heard of! I'm adding it to my list.

  8. Awesome! I love Ian Dunbar books. Oldies but goodies.

  9. Never heard of this book but it sounds like something we should really check out. We were only introduced to clicker training formally when we attended our basic obedience course.

    Meanwhile, we've borrowed some Kyra Sundance books on trick training just to see if Donna qualifies for a trick dog title, haha!!

  10. Any positive training is good training. Haven't used a clicker personally but know that they can work wonders. Adorable bow tie btw Mr.N!

  11. I've never tried clicker training with Rita. This book sounds like a good place to start. Thanks for the recommendation. Great photo of Mr. N!

  12. I love that book too! I also like Pat Miller's books - very down-to-earth and full of great information.

    For agility, I love Susan Garrett's ideas in her agility book.

  13. I'm going to add this to my list - clicker training has been wonderful for us and I'm so glad I discovered it when I got my latest dog. It takes out so much of the guess work and makes me a better communicator.

    1. I think it's made me a lot more observant of Mr. N's body language and he's willing to try new things more.

  14. I have this book saved on my amazon wish list, I think you suggested it to me, along with another one "Clicking with your Dog" which I got first. But this will probably be my next one to get!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. Looks like it could be a useful book for me. Jax and I start puppy classes next week #prayforme so I will see how that works first.

  16. I didn't use clicker training for Haley in the past, but it's awesome for teaching those harder commands or tricks where it's not as obvious to the dog what you're asking. This looks like a good book to check out soon.

  17. Great recommendation. So many people are confused about those very issues.


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