19 June 2015

Rejeneril Review and Giveaway

When I first told the boyfriend that Mr. N was testing out an energy and mobility supplement, he was like oh great, that's exactly what he needs. Mr. N has ridiculous amounts of energy. He went hiking with a group of herding dogs ... and he was the least tired one out of the bunch afterwards. 

Mr. N is getting older and I was considering putting him on a joint supplement as a preventative (especially as he has had a leg fracture in his past) so when we were offered the opportunity to test Rejeneril, I took it. Rejeneril is a patented, clinically tested and veterinarian recommended longevity supplement. It promises the following benefits:
  • Improving health and longevity
  • Helping build a strong immune system
  • Setting the foundation for a disease-free life
  • Preventing and clearing skin problems
  • Treating dry, itchy skin
  • Reducing arthritis and joint pain

I wasn't sure what results I would see with Rejeneril because Mr. N is so bouncy and doesn't have any mobility problems (I was kind of hoping he wouldn't turn out to have more energy). He tested it out for about two months. For 5-20 pounds, 1-4 drops is recommended. He is six pounds so I gave him a drop daily. There is a slight odor but it didn't bother Mr. N when I put it on his food. 

I didn't see any dramatic changes in him but then I wasn't expecting to because he already has boundless amounts of energy. Several of our blogger friends have had good results with their dogs with mobility problems and/or senior dogs. Rejeneril is also safe to use with cats, puppies, nursing and pregnant dogs. 

If you'd like to try it with your own dog(s), Mr. N is giving away a bottle!

This post was sponsored by Ultimate Pet. They are not responsible for the contents of this article. All opinions expressed are our own. 


  1. I have heard of Rejeneril before, and put it on my list of things to try when our pups get older!

    1. Rejeneril is a product that can greatly benefit younger dogs, even if you don't think they need it. It works by protecting the delicate energy centers (mitochondria) in the cells that maintain youthful energy. Once our energy centers decline, disease and illness ensues, as does aging as we know it.

      This is how we humans age (the Mitochondrial Theory of Aging) as well, however a lot slower than our fur babies. So Rejeneril works as a cellular insurance policy for your dog's cells, to maintain peak cellular energy right into old age.

      Yours in Abundant Health,


      President, Ultimate Pet Inc.

  2. I just bought a big bottle of another supplement to try out with Jack & Maggie. If I don't see improvements, I'll give this a try.

  3. This looks like a cool product.


  4. We use a different supplement on Katie and it has been a miracle. If you don't have much in the way of issues, it would be tough to know if it really is working or not.

  5. LOL the pic with it on his head. Sounds like it would be very effective.

    1. It took me about four to five tries! Mr. N was very patient with the process... it kept falling off and his head isn't flat at all.

  6. Hi Y’all!

    Good thing Mr. N didn't get more energy! The boyfriend may have run away from home!

    Don’t forget my new home is http://www.browndogcbr.net. I’m still workin’ on it. I’m tryin’ different formats. I have a new one since my move. It is radically different from anything I’ve had before.

    Thank you if you have already given me feedback. If not, I would like to know if you like it.

    Y’all hurry on by now!
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  7. I have Harley on a supplement, and he's doing really well with it. Good luck

  8. We use a different supplement and have had excellent results, especially with the seniors. It helps them recover from heavy training quicker. Almost no stiffness.

  9. Mr. N is only 6 lbs?? I didn't realize he was so tiny. Even Gretel, who is pretty small, weighs 11 lbs.

    1. Yup. He looks a little bigger because he's so leggy but he's pretty much all legs and fluff.

  10. Even if you didn't notice a big difference, it might be helping maintain his joints, which I think s great for an active dog like him.
    We used this for our elderly cat Conrad and it did seem to help him get around better.


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