08 June 2015

Monday Mischief #69 - Dog DIY Cone

Mr. N was scratching and licking at himself so much a few weeks ago due to his flea allergy, I decided he needed a cone. And this was around ten pm so my options were severely limited. His last cone had cracked and been thrown away. 

So I googled and one website suggested putting a paper plate on small dogs. Didn't have those either. I looked around and spotted a cardboard box and cut that up. Mr. N didn't mind too much as the cardboard was fairly flexible and went back to sleep. The next day, I borrowed a real cone from a friend.

I thought he looked like he was in a pillory while the boyfriend said it reminded him of the cat breading meme. 

What emergency or DIY solutions have you put together for your dog? 


  1. Oh poor guy, itching is absolutely no fun! Hope this helps. I don't know that we have anything so creative for emergencies.

    1. He's mostly over the itching now thankfully. This was a photo from a few weeks ago.

  2. Great idea! I would have never thought of that. Of course, I might have to find something other than cardboard since Haley loves shredding boxes. I hope Mr N gets some relief soon from the itching.

    1. Desperate times call for desperate measures! Mr. N thinks cardboard boxes are for sitting in.

  3. LOL awe Mr.N, hope you feel better. Good quick fix ;) Just checked out Paved By Paw Prints post on a DIY rolling treat toy, so many creative ideas this monday!

  4. Mr. N. your mommy is a genius. I would have never thought of that. Will definitely keep this in mind.

  5. I hope you're not itching anymore, Mr. N. Cone wearing is never fun. Cardboard box wearing isn't much better. Hang in there, buddy.

    Love and licks,

  6. Great post - I've also nominated you for the Liebster Award


  7. Poor Mr. N! Itching is no fun. Right now Phoenix has hives so we totally sympathize!

  8. Sorry about all the itchies. That's not fun!

  9. Oh, poor Mr. N, those pesky fleas! I hope they leave you alone soon so you'll be comfy again.

  10. LOL about the pillory. It does kind of look like that. Very creative! Once our beagle was itching like mad in the night and I didn't have a cone so i tried putting her in a tank top. Shut the light off and within seconds she was out of it. Then put her in a Tshirt. Again, light off. Dog naked in 10 seconds. Then tried a turtleneck. At last - success! Sometimes we have to get creative when you need a cone and don't have one. (Wish I had pics/video of that night.)

  11. Way to think outside the box...so to speak! LOL
    Glad that Mr. N is doing better now.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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