31 July 2015

Eight Photos of Happiness Challenge

We were nominated by a couple of blogger friends to participate in the Eight Photos of Happiness Challenge (thanks to Talent Hounds, Fiona King, Welcome to the Menagerie and Earl's World).  

Here are the guidelines for this tag:

1. Thank your nominator(s) and link them to your post.
2. Link to the creator of the tag, Ariel's Little Corner Of The Internet.
3. Post your eight photos of happiness.
4. Pop in a brief description of the photo, why you chose it, or just let the photo do the talking!
5. Spread the happiness and tag up to 10 other bloggers.

I have absolutely no idea what Mr. N was endeavoring to do in this photo but every time I see it, it makes me laugh.

Mr. N and the blueberry mascot at the Berry Festival.

Mr. N says blogging is such hard work.

Out for an urban hike with all the flowers.

Mr. N being a hipster.

One of my favorite photos of Mr. N and Sage together.

Mr. N chomping on a stick and being all fierce and mighty.

Zombie Dog.

I think most everyone has been tagged at this point so if you're reading this and haven't been tagged, consider yourself tagged!


  1. I think for us the tagging was the hardest part of this challenge. Such cute photos, you are always such a happy, silly little fellow!

  2. Oh my doG, you made my day! I really needed the smiles and laughs today after a rather challenging day yesterday. Thanks!

  3. Love the photos. I never knew Mr. N. was such a hipster!

  4. I love this challenge. I am sure you were tagged by a few of us as we all love seeing you - your photos make us smile. Mr N. You are just so cute. X Susie and Kilo

  5. Love your photos Mr.N! You have tons to be happy about :)

  6. Love the photos especially the hat, the one with the stick and all teeth showing and walking. What a cutie.

  7. Great shots here! The Zombie snap is too funny and was a delight to see the taste for fashion Mr N has =) Very cute and sweet!

  8. HILARIOUS! I don't know which one I like best - Zombie dog? Hipster? OMG. These just killed me!

  9. Great happiness photos. I like the first one best, I think. Can't tell for sure head from tail.

  10. I love all these photos...Mr. N is such a happy guy! He looks like he's trying to do a headstand in that first photo (and I wouldn't put it past him to accomplish that...LOL).
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. Love these photos! We were just tagged... I think we're the last to participate!

  12. Such great photos, the hipster & zombie dog made me laugh. And if that's your definition of "hard work" I need to take some tips from you :)

  13. Haha, LOVE the Zombie picture!! We were tagged a few days ago by WalksWithRama ~ still have to put our pictures up!

  14. Mr N is just the cutest and your photos are just great, plus we were just thinking we should have tagged you! Love Dolly

  15. Those are some great happy thoughts! I love the photo of Mr. N sleeping on the computer. The blueberry is pretty fun too. I have a big smile on my face. :)
    -Purrs from your friends at www.PlayfulKitty.net

  16. Even as a zombie dog you're absolutely adorable. Loved all the photos.

  17. Great photos, Mr. N! I especially love the one in the hat!

  18. Hi Y'all!

    Priceless! Absolutely priceless! Love that first photo where Mr. N looks like he's doing somersault!

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  19. Wonderful photos! Mr. N. looks like he really enjoys life.

  20. Great job on your 8 photos!! My faves are Mr. N in the tweed hat and Mr. N Zombie dog BOL!! Thanks for sharing & making me smile (-:
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  21. Loving the hipster, you are such a dude Mr.N!


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