23 August 2015

No Dog Left Behind

Mr. N fervently believes in no dog left behind and that he should be able to go everywhere I go. Sadly that isn't possible and sometimes he has to stay home. He has very strong opinions about the wrongness of this.

This past weekend, we were at a musical festival so Mr. N went and stayed with his foster family. After the first excited greeting, Mr. N is snubbing me and deliberately ignoring me as punishment. Tomorrow he'll forgive me... How does your dog feel about staying home alone? 


  1. I has to do it sometimes, but I's not a fan.

  2. They don't mind staying home, said no dog ever!!! BOL!

  3. My dogs don't snub me, but my cat Calvin does. When I come home from a trip, he walks around, pointedly ignoring me. This usually lasts until the evening, and then he just can't stand it anymore, and will meow at my bedroom door to ask to sleep with me.

    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  4. Our dogs are OK. Usually we try to tire them out so they are happy for a break...lol.

  5. We had a cat that would snub us after coming home from a trip but Haley just likes to show her guilt provoking look when we leave. She's all about the love fest when we get back. I'm glad Mr. N gets over his guilt trip quickly, lol!

  6. Hi Y'all!

    Oh, I know I don't get to go many, many times 'cause it's too warm or hot to take me. The Humans pay me before they leave to guard the house for them. I'm getting older and like to sleep, so I appreciate the burglar alarm as back up. Alarms never sleep you know.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  7. My pair don't mind having some home alone time. I once set a camera up to video their every move, and they basically sleep through! Maybe when there are no cameras they have a secret puppy party...

  8. LOL, mine always ignore me fora day or so too!

  9. Our dogs are ecstatic when we come home and stick to us like Velcro. No snubbing here...just making sure we don't leave them behind the next time.

  10. I instantly forget that they were gone because I am so excited. Love Dolly

  11. I don't usually leave one home alone if I can help it. But even if I leave two, especially to take one for a walk, the two left behind will bark, whine, howl, and carry on. I can hear them as I walk down the street! But they don't hold a grudge, once we get back, all is forgiven!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. Awww. Poor Mr. N. I'm sure he will forgive you soon. :) My cats would rather be left at home when I go places, so I make sure they have the care they need. They do miss me if I'm gone for more than a day or so.
    -Purrs from your friends at www.PlayfulKitty.net

  13. I take it to the next level Mr. N, I know how to use my doggie door and do so when they are home but when they leave me alone I pee on their floor. I only do it 1/2 the time, they can see I also go outside too, so I keep them guessing. They don't seem happy so I don't recommend my method but it does seem to get my point across....;-) Shasta

  14. I agree with Mr. N. No dog should have to be left behind. I have a special sad-face that I save for when Mom is leaving.

  15. Ours are always glad to see us. Sometimes I have to go away for a few days for a show. Whether I'm gone a couple of hours or for a few days, I always get an excited greeting!

  16. Mr. N is right. Ignoring one is the way to go—after they feed you.

  17. That's so cute. Generally Rita is fine with staying home alone. She gets a treat when I leave, and that's plenty to keep her happy. Every once in a while she gets it into her head that I'm going somewhere that she NEEDS to come along, and she'll squeeze her way past me into the garage and try to jump in the car. Then I feel really bad about making her stay home!

  18. Love the photo! I have two dogs and they enjoy each other's company when I'm out, but nothing beats all of us being together! There's actually a dog friendly music festival coming up next month here in Melbourne so we might be able to all have a day out :)

  19. Yes Riley makes whiney noises to show us how wrong she thinks it is. We have nominated you fir 8 photos of happiness over at muttofmine.blogspot.com.

  20. Oh, man. That is one sad little face! Thankfully, my guys don't much mind being left alone. They have one another, tasty treats and heated beds. Who needs mom when you have all that, right?

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie


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