21 September 2015

Recovering Reactive Dog

We were walking down the street when a car drives by with the window open and a dog barking his head off at Mr. N. Mr. N turns and looks for a long second. He gives a huff and proceeds to turn away from the dog and we cross the street to get some distance.

 The car parks and a woman walks out and apologizes for her dog saying he always gets really excited around other dogs. I tell her that it's OK. That we've been there.

We are still there but he gets better and better every day. Even though it feels like we backslide sometimes.

Mr. N is a recovering reactive dog. These days, his outbursts are much fewer and usually provoked by our neighbors' dogs (with territoriality added to the mix) or unexpected close encounters like when we go around corners. He has been making mostly good choices and will turn away or emit calming signals.

Little Dog is learning some impulse control. He is a good boy.


  1. My younger corgi is like that too! Recently, we were riding an elevator on which we rarely see other dogs, but this time when the doors opened a big Lab came flying in! It did not go well, and the Lab's owner backed him out!

  2. Hi Y'all!

    What Earl said! It pays to be a good friendly boy! You get to do lots of fun stuff!

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. Mr. N can you teach Kilo about impulse control?!

    1. Haha. He is very good about food impulse control. We're still working on his dog impulse control.

  4. That's great that Mr. N. is recovering from being a reactive dog. I had a German Shepherd, Star, that was terribly reactive to other dogs and it took a lot of work to overcome that. Good job!

  5. It is so wonderful that Mr. N is making so much progress! Do you use any specific methods to work with him that have really helped a lot? We're always looking for tips!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. We've been using a combination of Control Unleashed and Click to Calm (both books) methods.

  6. That's great. How old is Mr. N? Rita has come a long way. She still is reactive when, like you said, someone surprises us around a corner or when the elevator doors open at my mom's place, but other than that she's WAY better. Unfortunately after being charged at and tussling with a few off leash/escaped dogs in the 'hood, those dogs still illicit an ugly reaction from her every time we see them. (And also if we run into dogs that look like them!)

    1. Mr. N is six. We've had him since he was three. He was severely under-socialized as a puppy though.

  7. Good for you, little dog! :)

    (That's what I always called my Sadie! <3 )

  8. Way to go Mr. N, impulse control is SOOOO difficult!! I'm still working on it, but doing better...~Shasta

  9. Good work Mr. N! Sometimes its a sign that you are just insecure and I know you can overcome it. Love Dolly

  10. Good boy Mr. N. I bet situations are still a bit tense since you don't know if this will be the calm or reactive time but I bet it feels so good when he remains calm.

  11. Impulse control is definitely hard and takes a lot of practice!

  12. That is so awesome! Luna is leash reactive too, so I know how proud you must have felt in that moment. Way to go Mr. N!

  13. Good for him! I am talking with a trainer about getting some help for Theo. He often barks at other dogs and people when we go for a walk.

    1. It's mostly dogs for Mr. N. Although he sometimes has skateboard moments.

  14. Congratulations on your successful days Mr. N!! I know how you feel as I am a reactive dog too. So how have you learned to not be so reactive Mr. N? I need a few tips for when Mommy and I are in the care or just getting out of the car in a parking lot. I have reactive issues in those situations. Mommy's been working with me, but your response of just a minor huff, and no bark would make Mommy's day if I did that.
    Your friend, Pixel

    1. I found the books, Control Unleashed and Click to Calm really helpful. Particularly Control Unleashed's "Look at That" exercise. Maybe tell your mom she should practice with you in the car while it is stationary first.


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