28 September 2015

Watching #Portlandia and #Grimm Being Filmed

We occasionally run into Portlandia and Grimm filming around the city. Mr. N was not perturbed by the fake zombies and he thinks he would make a very scary wesen (fairy tale creatures in Grimm).

We didn't have a chance to watch the most recent filming of Portlandia due to errands in another part of the city. They were packing up as we walked by but Mr. N posed at the pizza place they were shooting.

Which show would your dog like to be an extra in?


  1. That's so cool! We haven't run into them yet! I think Zoe could probably be an extra or star in any movie and Phoenix would be her stunt double. Lol

  2. So fun! I think I'd be a nice addition to Scandal. I can wear pretty outfits like Olivia Pope!

    Love and licks,

  3. Mr. N would steal the show if he were an extra.

  4. I think all my pets would be great in Game of Thrones. Someone always wants to be on the best "throne" couch and there is lots of maneuvering and plotting to on behalf of the one who isn't on the best throne to try and grab it from the current occupier.
    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  5. Oohhh... we'd LOVE to see Grimm being filmed! How cool would that be! Our Mama used to get to see movies being filmed in her hometown before she moved... one of which was The Perfect Storm. We heard she even met a couple of HUNKS who were in the movie... :) Stop by and see our corn maze mischief today! -- Penny, Tut & Sophie

  6. My mum loves Grimm! She's be so envious!

  7. It fun to walk by & watch a movie or photo shoot! I don't watch many shows and most are filed in a studio, but if my Husky could be an extra in something I'd like it to be an outdoor adventure movie, maybe one that takes place in a snowy mountain area.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  8. We don't watch much TV, so I can't think of any particular show that Hank and Tim would want to be in. Anything that had explosions or gunfire wouldn't work since they hate loud noises. Perhaps if they could find a show filmed in a peaceful location out in the country or in the mountains - but probably that show would be too boring to last very long!

  9. I LOVE the behind the scenes moments. Honestly, I don't watch much TV, so I can't say what show we would like to be a part of so I'll just say any ;)

  10. He would love to be an extra in any type of cooking show, Rolo loves food! as he knows his mom cannot cook!

  11. How fun!! I don't watch either of those shows, but it is still great fun to be an extra or see behind the scenes.
    -Jessica from Beagles & Bargains

  12. Me and momma used to see stuff bein filmed all da time when we lived in Lost Angulus.

  13. Fun! And you're so cute, Mr. N! Hmmm. Rita would like to be an extra in Modern Family. She likes to watch anything with a dog, so she likes that little French bulldog on there. :)

  14. Brown dawgs would like any show with a hunting theme. :) Nice posing Mr. N.

  15. I think adding you to the show would certainly have boosted ratings! #mythoughts

  16. I think Riley would be a great stand in on the Big Bang Theory! Mr N. looks great on the set :)

  17. Oh gosh, my dogs would probably freak out if they saw a zombie! That Mr. N is a brave guy! I think my crew might to be on something like NCIS, sniffing out the bad guys (or finding a dead body...LOL).
    Jan, Wag n Woof Pets


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