15 October 2015

Too Sick for a Walk

The sick pup in his sick bed.
Mr. N was super listless this morning. Even the walk word wouldn't budge him out of bed and he always wants to go for a walk. He had been having a stomachache for a few days but I took this as a sign that we needed to go to the vet asap.

Luckily, we were able to get a same day appointment and they gave him fluids and anti-nausea medication. When we got home, he decided that he would eat from my hand and ate his first meal in two days.

After lots of napping and another small meal, he had a spurt of energy and ran around the living room chasing a toy for a half hour and demanded his chews. Little Dog is on the mend.


  1. I can't imagine Mr. N without boundless energy. Poor guy. Hope he is back to his old self asap! Being sick is no fun at all.

  2. Poor guy, hope you're feeling better soon!

  3. Oh, Mr. N. so sorry to hear you are under the weather, but glad you seem to be on the mend. Look forward to more of your adventures next week.

  4. Aah, sorry he's sick. Get well soon, baby.

  5. Awww, feel better Mr. N! Feeling under the weather is never fun, so it's important to take time off to mend.


  6. Poor Mr. N. I hope he feels better soon.

  7. I can come and help you eat your food, Mr. N. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    Love and licks,

  8. Get well soon! It is so scary when they are sick.

  9. I hope he feels better soon! I've heard of a few sick dogs right now. Feel better soon!!!

  10. It always breaks my heart when my dogs aren't feeling well. I'm glad he's feeling better already!

  11. We saw on FB this morning, and were so happy to hear that Mr. N is on the mend. We know how stressful it is when they are not feeling well.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. Hopefully, he will be back to sweet energetic self in no time now!

  13. I'm so sorry to hear that Mr. N isn't feeling well, It is so hard when a pet is sick! If you're like me, you feel bad about it even though it couldn't possibly be your fault. I hope that he is back to his normal self very soon. I love seeing him on Facebook!
    -Purrs from your friends at www.PlayfulKitty.net

  14. Poor little guy! I'm so glad he's on the mend. Barley is the same way--if she's not full of energy, I know there's something really wrong with her. Hope sweet Mr. N got lots of snuggles and extra love.

  15. Oh, poor Mr N. I sure hope he's back to his usual self soon. Glad to hear he's on the mend!

  16. Hope you're feeling better soon precious!

  17. Oh poor Mr N- send him pug hugs - hope he is feeling better very fast. He always looks so cheerful. What a worry. XS

  18. So sorry to read this Mr N... hope you are feeling better. #Finndawg & Annette @PetsAreFound

  19. So sorry to hear that Mr N wasn't feeling well. We hope he is much better. Taffy was diagnosed with IBD earlier this year sometimes it's a good idea to to blood work when you dog's stomach is upset to make sure it isn't more serious. Love Dolly

  20. Aw, I'm sorry to hear that Mr. N was not feeling well. Not wanting to go for a walk or eat would be a sure sign that something's not right with our pups as well.
    Speedy recovery, little guy!

  21. Glad to hear he seems to be recovering! What happened that he needed fluids, was he running a temperature or was it because he hadn't eaten? Don't mean to be intrusive, just curious if he had a temperature or had bowel troubles with this incident. Unexplained events like that often point to their food or treats -- well, when they are not the type of dog to gobble anything they find on the ground, anyway.

  22. I'm so glad to see Mr. N is getting his strength back! I hope he'll be back to his old self in a day or two. He looks so sweet in that photo, I just want to kiss his little nosey!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them


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