18 February 2016

Double Decker Log

The log had a perfect spot for Mr. N to pose. We didn't want Sage to be left out so we had her jump on top. Perfect double decker log for the two of them.

Which perfect spots have you found for your dog to pose?


  1. LOL! I saw that log! Zoe stuck her whole head in there!

  2. You two are perfect pals. We always love seeing you guys together!

  3. Cute photo! Sometimes when I'm vacuuming, I'll throw Soth's bed on top of the crate and he'll curl up on it, so I'll have Barley go in her crate for a picture and joke that it's like bunk beds for the pet siblings :)

  4. So cute. Kilo loves posing on top of things for treats on our walks. Have not seen a double decker as big as that one yet.

  5. I love this photo! We would never be able to capture this pose with our two boys. BOL!

  6. That is definitely the perfect double decker log. Mom would never let me get inside. She would be positive there was a skunk in there.

    Love and licks,

    1. Oh it wasn't hollow all the way. Just big enough for him to turn around.

  7. I love dogs on logs! I've never seen one hollow like that though. We'll have to keep an eye out for one! Fun photo!

  8. What a fun photo! I love how these two pose so well together!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. Oh my gosh, I love pictures of dogs on logs, and Mr. N certainly took this one to a new level with being able to pose INSIDE one. How cool!!

  10. Aw, that is adorable!

    Lilo doesn't usually have much patience for posing; she'll do it, but she puts on a Very Serious Face and the pictures come out looking like she wasn't having any fun at all. I did make her pose for me at Dogtown a few months back on top of a rock with "LOYALTY" carved in the side...and then promptly lost my phone before uploading the thing. I've destroyed phones before, but never just lost one. Figures!


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