22 March 2016

Au Revoir, Sage!

Mr. N's bestie, Sage is moving to California. The dogs had a final walk together and they exchanged presents (treats of course). We hope to visit them later this summer.


  1. Hi Y'all!

    Oh dear, movin'away?! I feel for you! The Humans' nephew and his family, includin' one of my buddies, moved up to the north country.

    How's your Human holdin' up, losin' a walkin' partner? Gee, California 's like the other side of the world!

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  2. We were so sad when we heard Sage was moving. Sure hope you see each other again. When we moved from Germany to the US, we left all our friends behind and would never get to see them again. Great photo of you both!

    1. We're trying to arrange a visit later this year. It sucks having to leave friends behind!

  3. Sorry to see your best pal moving away. We always loved seeing your adventures together especially when Mr. N steals Sage's sticks.

  4. Bummer. I'm sure Sage will have a great time making new friends in California though.

  5. awww - so sad. I hope they still get together once in a while!


  6. So happy to hear you're making plans to visit.
    —Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  7. Aw, that's so sad but I'm glad they had a chance to be together before the move and they'll both be thrilled to see each again down the road.

  8. Aaw! Parting is never easy .... but the swapping of treats can certainly ease the pain. Have a good trip, Sage.
    (Brilliant photo again, by the way.) :)

  9. They are very cute together. Hope they can stay in touch.

  10. So cute! I love to find big and gentle dogs like that. My dogs are too small to spend time with biggies with big attitudes. When we find a winner, we cling with all of our might! Sounds like you're in the same boat. I hope your visits are many!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  11. I'm sad that Sage has moved as I know you cherished your weekly walks together. :(

  12. We just had visitors from VA for a couple of days and the reunion was priceless. Hope you are able to visit Sage soon Mr. N.

  13. Oh, that's a bummer! CA is a loooong state - hope they'll be up toward the north end of it so you guys can still visit a lot. Looking forward to pics of their reunion again this summer! Bye, Sage!!

  14. Aww, that is so sad! You two are such besties! I hope you can visit each other.
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  15. Aww, that is so sad! You two are such besties! I hope you can visit each other.
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  16. What a great photo of those two and the beautiful daffodils behind them. We are so sad that Mr. N's buddy is leaving him! We will miss seeing all the fun the two of them have together, and hope that you will get to visit them.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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