30 November 2013

BW Sunday #16 - Five

Mr. N is now five! This means he will calm down now right?

He got a special salmon "bento" for his birthday, a dinosaur hoodie, a scarf and hat for pictures and various special treats. His adoption anniversary is right around the corner as is Christmas. More gifts to come! I told him he should have planned it out better instead of cramming in everything at once. 

Poor Mr. N. The boyfriend dropped a piece of cardboard on him and Onyxx stole a treat from him... out of his mouth. I've told them they're the worst birthday guests ever. 

29 November 2013

Canine Multiple Intelligences

I was thinking about the different kinds of intelligence dogs possess. It's interesting having Onyxx around for comparsion purposes. I've always been curious as to whether I'm good at teaching tricks or Mr. N just picks them up quickly. After Onyxx, I think it's more of the latter!
  • Puzzle/problem solving ability: Mr. N is very good at figuring out food puzzles which is why we don't buy them for him anymore. He can get out of a soft crate. Onyxx can do a couple of the easy food puzzles we have but it took him a few days to get the hang of it.
  • "Street smarts": Mr. N has no car sense whatsoever. And his sense of self-preservation is severely lacking. This is a dog that tries to chase horses. If he got lost, I think he would just wander up to the nearest human and be like, I'm hungry. Feed me. As for Onyxx, I played a video of coyotes howling and he didn't stir from his nap. Mr. N looked up and became all alert. 
  • Emotional Intelligence: Mr. N doesn't really react when I'm sad but if he thinks I'm angry or arguing, he'll try to help. He'll come over and stand between us, or nudge me with his paw. Onyxx doesn't seem particularly attuned one way or another. 
  •  Breed-specific intelligence: Mr. N overflows with prey drive. He'd make an excellent mouser. He wants to chase every rodent he sees. As a companion dog, he certainly likes pets and attention from me but he's not therapy dog material. I'm not quite sure about Chihuahuas. I've heard various theories: companion dogs, used to hunt small rodents and bred for meat. Onyxx loves sitting in laps but he has no prey drive whatsoever. 
  • Traditional "obedience" intelligence: Mr. N is very biddable for a terrier. He definitely wants to please me but he isn't hanging on my every word or anything like that. He is a quick learner and generally obeys commands. Onyxx kind of loses his brain around food even low value treats like kibble. He knows a few things but he doesn't seem particularly interested in training itself. He just wants the food!
  • Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence: He's a speedy little thing and scampers up mountains like a goat. He likes to stand on his rear legs a lot. He can't catch treats in the air though. Onyxx? He's good at perching on things but he's not very athletic. 
Guess who is the easier dog to live with? Onyxx is a simple soul and is content with food, a warm soft place to nap and attention from his humans. As for Mr. N, when people see him doing his tricks and say they want a dog like him, I'm like no, no you don't. He's a (double) handful.

When we were looking to adopt, I was envisioning a dog more like Onyxx and we got Mr. N instead. It's definitely been an interesting journey.

How do your dogs rate?

The boys waiting for Thanksgiving dinner. Onyxx had such a hard time looking away from the food.

28 November 2013

This 'n That: Thanksgiving Edition 2013

Onyxx is thankful for:
  • Food. I think he's a hound in the shape of a Chihuahua. 
  • Pets/cuddles/lap sitting. He always wants to be touching you.
  • Mr. N. So he can imitate him. And try to steal his food. 
Mr. N is thankful for:
  • How the humans leave their clothes strewn about so he can sleep on top of them.
  • Raw meat. I try to give him vegetables and fruits sometimes and he just looks at me. 
  • Onyxx because he gets to boss him around and play wrestle bitey face.
  • His good looks and brains. I tell you he is one vain creature. But we live in a world where people constantly fawn over him so I don't think that's likely to change. This one woman was driving and stopped in the middle of the street(!) so she could tell us how cute Mr. N is. 
  • Squeaky toys so he can "kill" them. Not by destuffing them but shaking them by the scruff and squeaking them.
  • The prospect of mice in our complex. One of our neighbors has mice. Mr. N almost never gets to hunt things.
  • His human(s). Mr. N is sometimes like one of those celebrities who only wants M&M's. Someone needs to make sure things are the way he wants!
And I am thankful for Mr. N, Onyxx when he is not destroying our baseboards or squeaking, the boyfriend who semi-patiently listens to all of my dog babble, and all our blog friends.

Happy Thanksgiving!

24 November 2013

Monday Mischief #14 - Naughty Humans

I'm so fed up with the comments people make about the dog(s). They will be walking down the street on leash and minding their own business when people come up to us and say the rudest things.

What is wrong with people? I will also point out that 99% of the time, it is men making these comments. Or rather overgrown boys because clearly their brains aren't fully developed.
  • Cat killer. That's slander! 
  • Pit bulls. Those people clearly need their eyes examined. Aside from being the same species, they look nothing alike. In fact, I'm pretty sure Onyxx looks much more like a cat than a pit bull.
  • Get those wild beasts away from me! Mr. N can walk on two legs, say grace, and will wait to be given permission to eat. I'd hardly qualify him as a wild animal.
  • Ankle biter. I kind of wanted to march up to the guy and say, "Don't worry. I'll make sure he doesn't bite your ankles. I wouldn't want him to catch something."
  •  People who bark at the dogs. Once you're past the age of five or so, you really shouldn't be playing the game of what does the animal say. We all know what the dog says.
  • This guy walks up to us and says, "you and your little dog too" and then walks off again. We do not live in Kansas. Or Oz. I should throw some water on him and see if he melts.
  • People who joke about eating the dogs. This old guy kept making comments about barbequing Mr. N. First of all, he would make a terrible meal. He's all skin and bones. Very little fat. Second, you would have to catch him first and he can outrun you. Third, what is wrong with you? You're not funny. You're just twisted.  
Inspired by Jen's blog post about people who keep calling her Newfies bears. What do people say about your dogs that you find offensive?

BW Sunday #15 - Wild Beast

This is the "wild beast" (title courtesy of the random guy on the street who yelled at the pups) who lives in my house. 

21 November 2013

FitDog Friday #13 - A New Excuse

I took the dogs out on a quick errand walk because I was feeling under the weather. After a couple of stops, I got in the car to pick up an anniversary present for the boyfriend.

Then what do I see? A stray dog running down the street. Have any of you noticed a dramatic uptick in the number of stray dogs who find you since you got a dog? I definitely have.

I parked and went to go wrangle the dog. He was relatively friendly and with the help of a store owner, we were able to coax him into the store. He had a collar on but no tag. Why do people do this? We posted his picture online and then I took him over to the vet clinic to get checked for a microchip.

Big dogs can pull. I don't know how you all manage on a regular basis. So I take him to the clinic (or rather he takes me) and it turns out he has a microchip. Yay right? Well it turns out that it was not registered.

However, the dog had been seen there a couple of years ago so they dug out his file and called the owner. She eventually answered and came to pick the dog up at the clinic an hour later (so I was told).

I'm getting really frustrated with how many stray dogs are wandering loose in our neighborhood. The vet tech told me there were three other people who brought in strays that day to check for microchips.

Out of the dozen or so dogs I've found this past year, only one had a tag and it had a Florida address on it and the number wasn't valid. So it usually takes at least an hour (usually several) to corral the dog, post his picture online and wait for the owner to see it or wait for animal control to get here.

And this always happens during walks. So the dogs' walks get cut short. Which they are not happy about. 

After all that, we finally made it to the garden store to pick up the present. The boyfriend wants a terrarium to put on his desk at work. The one below is not the one I picked but I didn't have a photo of the other one.

Do you see the store bunny? Mr. N's little terrier brain was in total overload.

The dogs got all excited about the bunny (although I think Onyxx was just imitating Mr. N) and Mr. N almost knocked over Onyxx to try and get at it. We left shortly afterwards.

When we came home, we discovered that the box of treats from Be Pawsitive (from She Speaks Bark's giveaway) had arrived. I made Mr. N pose before he could eat his.

The dogs approved of the treats (Mr. N can be picky about hard treats) and gobbled them up. Onyxx even stole a piece of Mr. N's biscuit.

17 November 2013

Monday Mischief #13 - Rightful Place

Mr. N is a dog who knows what he wants and is willing to do whatever to get it. Case in point. Onyxx was lying in Mr. N's favorite spot on the bed. His favorite spot is under the covers, curled up by my left hip.

Onyxx was on top of the covers but it still meant that Mr. N couldn't access that spot. He tried several times but Onyxx wouldn't budge and he couldn't crawl under the blanket.

He then initiates wrestling with Onyxx. As soon as Onyxx is far enough away from his spot, he dives under the covers and claims his rightful place.

What stunts do your dogs pull?

BW Sunday #14 - Secret and Whisper

15 November 2013

NaNoWriMo Part 15

Today, we're participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and writing the next installment of a round-robin story written from a canine perspective. Thanks to Rocco for inviting us to join!

Earlier chapters of the story:
Rocco – Day 1
Bongo – Day 2
Haley and Zaphod – Day 3

Easy Rider – Day 4
My Rotten Dogs – Day 5
Sophie Doodle – Day 6
Haiku by Ku Haiku – Day 7
Oh My 

Critter Alley - Day 10
(brief pause between installments)
 Bark and Lounge Day 12
Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs - Day 13
Swami Zoe - Day 14

After several minutes of barking and circling, finally an officer who held the note in her hand knelt down and asked,

"What is it boys?"

We barked again. She turned to the other officers and said, "I think they want to show us something."

About time they figured out what was going on! The cops grabbed flashlights and ran after us. In all the frenzy, Beast and I got separated. I tried to keep up but Beast was simply too fast for me. I was already exhausted from all the running we had done earlier.

By this time, the snow was several inches thick on the ground and I was struggling to make my way through. I could smell Beast and the humans faintly to the west. But what's this? I sniffed the air again. My human and the stranger's scent came from the east. 

I picked up my pace and headed towards my human. I carefully made my way through the forest when suddenly, the howls of coyotes filled the air and I froze. 

To find out what's next, follow Miro tomorrow. 

11 November 2013

Monday Mischief #12 - Destruction and Mayhem

I took Mr. N with me to work  Thursday because I wanted to take him to the field to run afterwards. Onyxx had to stay home because the rescue doesn't want him off-leash. We've done some recall work but it's not anywhere near reliable yet.
After letting Mr. N run around and some errands, I came home to discover a pile of brown stuff on the floor. At first I thought Onyx threw up and I was concerned. I looked closer and he had chewed the baseboard as well as inflicted some damage on the door. How he managed to do that with that tiny mouth of his astounds me. His teeth are like toothpicks. They're so small!

For the first two weeks, Onyxx stayed in the crate while we were gone as well as at night. One night he pitched a total fit and squeaked the entire night. He basically sounds like a very high-pitched squeaky toy. I talked to the rescue and they said that because he was older, housebroken and non-destructive(!), he could be out of the crate.

This was the first time he was home alone (normally Mr. N is with him) and I guess he freaked out. The next day, Mr. N stayed home with him and everything was fine.

Any suggestions for fixing the baseboard? What has your dog destroyed?

03 November 2013

Monday Mischief #11 - Four Seasons

The beautiful Indian summer is fading and the days are starting to get colder and gloomier so I thought I'd do a post about walking in different seasons.

Winter challenges: Snow, Cold

This photo is from when we went to visit family in the Midwest. We hardly ever get "real" snow here. It was the first time Mr. N experienced snow and he did quite well. The only problem was the snowballs that would get stuck on his paws and legs. This year, I'm prepared with a set of boots and wax for his paws.

Our usual winter problem is keeping him from being wet and cold which is the most miserable combination. I still haven't found the perfect coat yet. So we layer. He wears a fleece under a rain coat. I kind of want to get him a hat. Even though the rest of him is mostly covered, his head still gets wet.

Spring Challenges: Rain

Spring isn't too bad except by that time we're all thoroughly sick of Portland weather and just want to see the sun. We had a pretty mild spring this year though with some really warm days early on.

Summer challenges: Heat, Carrying extra water around, Other dog walkers, Foxtails

Mr. N is a Pacific Northwest dog which means he has no tolerance for weather extremes and especially heat. He wilts around 80+ degrees and gives up walking after ten blocks or so. He plops down on the grass and refuses to budge (well he would if I made him but it seems mean). At which point, I pick him up and carry him home. This method is not really recommended for dogs over twenty pounds or so. 

This year, he has a cooling vest (pictured in spring photo, we had a couple of really hot days early this year) which gives him super heat defying powers. I took him to the park on a hot day with the vest on and he was literally running circles around the other dogs who were panting in the shade. 

As for the extra water, I try not to carry more than what will fit in my (small) purse. Half my purse is usually devoted to dog stuff (treats, clicker, bags, citronella spray) anyway, I don't have room for more! What I usually end up doing is carrying a collapsible dog bowl and asking cafes/stores for some water. 

The fair weather dog walkers all come crawling out once the sun starts shining. I don't know what they do with their dogs the other 300 days of the year. We never see them when it rains. It gets annoying though bumping into dogs on every corner as Mr. N is leash reactive. 

Foxtails are a type of grass with little spikes that can work themselves into animals' bodies. They're everywhere during the summer and Mr. N had a limp for a few days as one worked itself into his foot. 

Fall: Getting used to shorter days, Rain

It's starting to get to the point where after-work walks are going to be in the dark. I have a somewhat flexible schedule but we're still looking at walking in the dark three nights a week at least. 

As for the rain, I have two rain coats and Hunter boots. Mr. N owns four rain coats. Onyxx has his own coat now and I found another one in storage that will most likely fit him that he can borrow. We're as ready as we're going to be. 

01 November 2013

This 'N That Thursday: Halloween

Once upon a time, the government shut down and the animals suffered. There was no one to admire the pandas and no one to speak for the whales. Two little K-9s were on furlough and they became desperate as no work meant no food in their food dishes (dogs are not very good at being thrifty and saving for the future). They put their little heads together and made a decision.

They took to the streets to ply their trade and offered to work for a bare subsistence.

Mr.N: Very nimble and agile. Can jump/climb several times his height. Excellent escaping skills. Can escape pens and soft crates. Capable of logical reasoning. Can locate food or objects. Can pose as a stuffed animal or a circus dog. Knows how to walk on hind legs, jump through a hoop and stand on your back. Will destroy small rodents. Willing to teach your dog some of his tricks. 

Onyxx: Can find food anywhere you hide it. Blends in with the shadows. Willing to act as a distraction by sitting in laps and demanding affection. 

They are now accepting bids. Please state your best offer! 

My Five Favorite Positive Training Tools for Dogs

Tools are an essential part of life and dog training especially when your dog has figured out how to use items as tools. These are some of m...