19 May 2015

Earthbath Shampoo Review and Giveaway

I'm pretty sure Mr. N is related to Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West. He thinks water will melt him.

Unfortunately for him, his therapy dog duties, the fact that he likes to sleep in the bed and having hair instead of fur means he is doomed to having frequent baths. He stoically tolerates them with the air of a martyr. Mr. N thinks it's bad enough he's being subjected to a bath let alone having pictures taken of him during this trying time. 

 So understandably, shampoo reviews are probably his least favorite (at least until we start reviewing vets). But a very necessary evil in his life. Earthbath sent us their Oatmeal & Aloe Shampoo and Conditioner to review. Mr. N wants two things from bath products: quicker baths and no strong scents.

I appreciate the fact I can identify and can pronounce all the ingredients in the products (shampoo: Purified water, renewable coconut-based cleansers, colloidal oatmeal (3%), aloe vera, almond and vanilla essences, olive oil squalene (natural preservative). I could definitely smell the vanilla and almond scent throughout the washing process but once he was dry, it was barely discernible. He just smelled clean. The scent fades after a day or two. 

The products are soap-free, can be used with flea treatments and contain no parabens, phosphates, pthalates, DEA, synthetic dyes or perfumes. They're made specifically for dry and itchy skin. Mr. N has a flea allergy which drives him bananas and due to our mild winter, the bugs are flourishing. I think the baths have helped alleviate some of the itchiness but not stopped it completely. 

What I've really noticed though is how soft he feels afterwards. The boyfriend commented that he felt softer than usual. And this is the dog that someone once commented his fur was so soft that it felt like petting nothing at all. 

Make sure to enter the giveaway so your dog can enjoy (or not enjoy) a bath of their own with Earthbath's Oatmeal & Aloe shampoo.

This post was sponsored by Earthbath. They are not responsible for the contents of this article. All opinions expressed are our own. 


  1. He looks so adorable in that second picture all wet. Those products sound great and we would love to enter the giveaway. How do we enter?

  2. We have used Earthbath and loved it too! I love gentle scents that don't irritate their skin!

  3. Bailie is not a bath dog either, she fights like a mad women the moment she gets in the tub. I don't like baths, but I just stand there and let it happen. You sure look different all wet!

  4. My guys hate baths as well and they would not stand by and let me get pictures in the tub. They would make a break for it!

  5. Oh Mr. N, I am right there with you despising baths. You look like I do too when wet...like a drowned rat, as Ma would say.

  6. I feel Mr.N's pain on the baths...they really are no fun! I myself was subjected to one last night and wouldn't talk to mom for 87 hours after.

  7. Over time Harley has submitted graciously to that four letter word - BATH. Jax on the other hand is an entirely different story. I'm being patient and slowly I can see a hint of progress. the right shampoo and conditioner is key. I'm using something especially designed for puppies, but I like what I've read here about Earthbath. I will have to remember this for later. Thanks

    1. It's supposed to be good for puppies over six weeks, I think.

  8. I didn't think it was possible Mr.N could get any cuter, then he got wet! lol great review, if only Kilo was as good at taking baths.

  9. You are a trooper. Not fans of the "b" word here either.

  10. Good job taking one for the team Mr N! I feel exactly the same about baths as you do. Love Dolly

  11. Uh oh, bath time! Oh well, it's all better when using such divine shampoo.


  12. Those sound like great products. Brown dawgs don't get many baths (except when they visit a skunk). I bet they would have the same expression as Mr. N.

    1. Well they have Chessie coats. Imagine never washing your hair, that's would Mr. N's coat would be like!

  13. I'm anxious to try this! I'm looking for a healthier alternative to the baby shampoo I've been using for Haley.

    1. Good luck! I've never tried washing Mr. N with human shampoo.

  14. Hi Y'all!

    Oh what a good and patient fellow!

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  15. I came back and entered the contest. Hurray!

  16. Mr N is right on the money. It's the stinky, flowery smells of most shampoos that dogs hate so much.

    Now if only you could find one that smelled like chicken. Maybe he'd start enjoying baths more?

  17. Yay! I love contests!

    And I'm hopeful about this shampoo. Some come with scents that just do not belong on dogs, and since their noses are so sensitive, I just know they don't enjoy the odor any more than I do. It's great to have another option!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  18. I find that rolling in wonderfully smelly things (at least that's what I think) is the BEST, but Mom thinks otherwise. For some reason, I get my share of baths and a shampoo that doesn't stink is right up Mom's alley. So, I hope she wins! Me? Not so much--it just means another bath!!


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