22 October 2015

Bookstore Display Model

Mr. N practices strength and balance training on top of a tiered bookshelf. He is used to heights but the texture of the bookshelf meant he had to sit with poise. Being a good display model also means having excellent sit/stay skills. Sometimes people mistake him for a stuffed animal.

Does he add to the display?


  1. That's awesome he sat up there for you! The girls would not sit on something tall like that unless they were able to get up on it themselves! I tried putting Phoenix up on the mailboxes because the sky was pretty but she wasn't having it!

  2. Wow! Look at you up there! Such control to sit and stay. Well done :)

  3. My Gramma's church library has stuffies on the shelves in the kids area and they look just like Mr. N, only not quite as cute.

  4. Barley would have been so excited that all of those books would have ended up on the floor. I love Mr. N's control :)

  5. Mr. N you do that so well you look very much like a stuffed animal! :O Awesome balancing skills :)


  6. BOL BOL! You look brilliant up there!

  7. You're the best thing on the shelf, Mr. N! Good job!

    Love and licks,

  8. Your talents never cease to amaze me, Mr. N! Well done!

  9. Oh yes! I'd be totally drawn to the display with Mr. N on it! He's doing great. We're just starting this balancing with Luke, but of course he's much bigger so I don't think he could get up that high. But it's fun to look for places to have him get up. We are working on sit/stay and he does pretty good, but definitely still needs some work.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. HA! Very nice job, Mr. N, sitting so nicely on your book throne -)

  11. Be careful, Mr. N. Someone may try to buy you!

  12. Gold medal gymnast skills there, Mr. N! :) SO cute!

  13. Mr. N you have reached new heights in posing. You are so cute posing there.

  14. What a great photo! Mr N sure does have great poise!
    Love and biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  15. Mr. N is so cute! He looks so handsome sitting up straight like that. I can see why people would think he's a stuffed animal. I might think so too if I didn't know better!
    -Purrs from your friends at www.PlayfulKitty.net

  16. I'm amazed the book store let you do this! He looks great posing with the books too.

  17. Mr N is a perfect display dog!! We understand being mistaken for a stuffed animal, too!

  18. That is amazing training to get him to sit and stay, but also the height. Some dogs would be scared of that.
    Great skills Mr. N

  19. He definitely adds to the display, although if I saw him there, I doubt I would notice anything but him! Mr N is so cute and so well trained!

  20. What an adorable model! I would run into that bookstore if I saw that face in the window,

  21. BOL, you look like the angle on top of a book tree!!! :)

  22. What an adorable photo. If kids saw this picture, that would be great encouragement to get them to read

  23. This is very funny, and yes, I'm impressed!! He does look like a stuffed toy, LOL.


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