11 January 2016

2016 Pet Blogger Challenge

1. How long have you been blogging? And, for anyone who is visiting for the first time, please give a quick description of the subject of your blog.
I started the blog in August of 2013. Tenacious Little Terrier follows Mr. N's adventures in Portland beyond. I blog about training, hiking with a small dog, and various escapades from Mr. N's life.
2. What is the one thing that you accomplished during 2015, either on your blog or because of it, that made you most proud?
Mr. N became certified as a therapy dog and earned his first therapy dog title! I also went to ClickerExpo and it was an awesome experience. Mr. N was also the demo dog for a dog safety class to help a kid get over his fear of dogs.

3. Which of your blog posts was your favorite this year and why? (Please include a link.)
I struggle a lot with Mr. N's reactivity. He's improved a lot and I feel like this was my way of giving back what I learned and what helped.

4. A common theme from last year’s challenge was that many of us wanted to increase the size of our audiences. Whether or not we intend to monetize our blogs, it seems we’d all like to reach more people. It feels good to know that we’re connecting with others, sharing a laugh or supporting a cause, and it’s motivating to see those numbers grow! What is one thing you’ve done in the past year that has brought more traffic to your blog?
Been more active on social media! I've been focusing on Twitter. I'd like to get my Instagram numbers up and post more regularly and work on pinning on Pinterest.

5. Which of your blog posts got the most traffic this year? Why do you think it was so popular? (Please include a link.)
Tenacious Little Terrier: The Three Secrets to Positive Dog Training
I think it got some traction on social media and people are always looking for tips on how to train their dogs. Keywords helped too.

6. What is one blog that you read religiously – other than your own – and what makes you such a devoted reader? (Please include a link.)
I have a ton of pet blogs that I follow on Feedly. I can't choose one!

7. What resources do you rely on to enhance your technical, writing, photography, social media, or other skills that improve your blog?
I'm always reading something. I keep meaning to track the number of books I've read in a year but haven't gotten around to it. I took an online photography class this year.

8. What is the best piece of advice you can offer other bloggers?
Write about what you care about. Not what you think you should be writing about.

9. What is your vision for your blog in 2016? Do you have specific goals?
I'd like to improve my photography skills, learn more about social media and SEO and set up a newsletter.

10. You have the attention of the pet blogging community – is there one blogging challenge you’d like help with, or one aspect of your blog that you’d like input on?
Which topics would you like to see more of on my blog? What would you like to see less of?


  1. Congratulations to Mr N on getting his therapy dog title! We're clicker training our current service dog puppy and we would love to hear more about your experiences and tips with clicker training. All the best to you in 2016!

  2. I always learn something from your training posts. I think your photography is amazing. Mr. N is just such a cutie pie. I have done pretty well with Instagram this year and here are a few tips - post at the same time everyday, don't over post one or two photos a day, funny captions help, select the right hashtags (#yorkielove is a great one), select breed specific hashtags, but also look at what's trending and try to use one of those, interact with the people that leave comments. Hope that helps!

  3. Mr. N is such a sweet little guy! It's so cool to see his progress!

  4. 2015 really was your year Mr.N! Hope this one is just as successful.

  5. It was great to meet you and Mr. N in person in 2015. Hope to see you again if you come up our way or we're down yours.

  6. What a great achievement for you and Mr. N on the therapy dog title. Nice job!

    I love it when I learn something from a blog, whether it's about training, dog behavior or a cool, new product! Wishing you and Mr. N a wonderful 2016!

  7. I'm a huge Mr. N fan, so I'm also happy to read posts of any kind. I do really like reading about his hiking adventures, though, and I'd love to hear more about some of his therapy dog work since that's one thing I'd love to do with Barley, but she's gotten even worse about me being out of sight, so I'm not sure we'd ever pass supervised separation at this point if we tried the test again--so basically we want to live vicariously through Mr. N! I also especially love reading about all of the different places Mr. N goes with you, like I think there was a dance class once? Looking forward to seeing you more on Instagram!

  8. I love all your answers Mr. N. So many of us have the same ambitions for 2016 - photography SEO and setting up a newsletter. Kindred spirits think alike huh?

  9. I think we've congratulated Mr. N before but are also excited to follow in his footsteps... helping set up & becoming a pet therapy dog! We're looking forward to reading more of your adventures!

  10. I honestly love everything you write. The training posts are so helpful to me, and I really enjoy seeing all the different places you and Mr. N go, whether it's a hike or some type of therapy dog visit. I also think your photographs are great. I need to take an online course too, that's a good idea.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. I love reading these and I'm happy that we've gotten to know each other over the past year through the Positive Training hop!

  12. Great answers to the questions! :) As the mom of a reactive dog, I appreciate your post about Mr. N's reactivity. It's encouraging for those of us who still have a ways to go with our dogs! :)

  13. I always enjoy seeing photos of the adorable, photogenic Mr. N. Good luck with your photography. And congrats on your therapy dog certification.

  14. We love ready your posts, Mr. N! Best of luck in 2016!!

  15. I like you advice to other bloggers. Here's to a fabulous 2016 in blogging!

  16. You have so much to be proud of in such a short amount of time. I love Mr. N and his adventures.

  17. It was cool to learn more about you & your blogging. I hope you have a wonderful 2016 blogging year!

  18. Great tone for 2016 - I am on the same path as you! Good luck this year! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties

  19. I wish I had participated in the Pet Blogger Challenge. It's always great to reflect on what you've done. For what it's worth, I think your blog is great!

  20. Hey - thanks for sharing, it was fabulous to learn more about you!!

  21. I love your advice, it is so true, do what you love!!! Thanks Mr.N and can't wait to see what 2016 brings you! :)

  22. I didn't know Mr. N was a Therapy Dog! My Husky and I are a Pet Partners Therapy Dog team as well, it's so rewarding. Thanks for sharing your Pet blogger's challenge with us, I enjoyed reading it!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  23. I cannot believe I didn't know Mr. N was a certified therapy dog. That's really cool - I want to read more about that!


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