19 May 2016

Who is that dog I see staring straight back at me?

Who is that dog I see
Staring straight
Back at me?
Why is my reflection someone
I don't know?

(Adapted from Mulan)

Does your dog match their reflection? Or do they think they're a cat/small dog/big dog etc.  We joke that Mr. N thinks he's a big black dog like the Giant Schnauzer that taught him to be a dog and helped "raise" him at his foster home. 


  1. You are just so cute. We don't seem to notice our reflection in mirrors or other places.

  2. Adorable picture! I'm not sure how Ruby sees herself. Our previous dog Pip thought he was a cat, I think.

  3. Great photo! We had one sweet pup - Kiki - who did not understand water. She must have thought it was solid....every time she was on a boat or a deck she'd walk right off of it into water like there was no difference. We had to watch her like a hawk, silly love-bug girl!

    1. Mr. N walked off a dock once because there was a bunch of driftwood and thought it was solid. He's never done that again!

  4. I could see Mr. N as a big black dog! :-) I bet our terrier sees himself as something much bigger too.

  5. Mine definitely think they are big dogs!

  6. BOL MOL Momma was singing that to the tune of Christina Aguilera in her head ;) I like too think I am a ferocious Bobcat when I look at my reflection..not sure what Matt sees??

    Matilda &...Matt ;)

  7. I'm pretty sure I'm little, because I walk under things so easily. My bark says otherwise. I don't use it a lot, but when I bust it out, my bark sounds like a 95 pound German Shepherd. Mom says I am the tiniest watch dog ever.

    Love and licks,

    1. Haha. It's funny when small dogs have deep barks. Mr. N's isn't shrill but it's higher pitched for sure.

  8. Neither of the boys pay attention to their reflection in the mirror but Pierre will sometimes catch his window reflection and bark at it.

  9. Same for Ted. He seems to notice his window reflection, but not the mirror. He doesn't seem to notice himself on webcam either.

  10. So cute...but now I have the Mulan song stuck in my head! Most of my pets don't acknowledge their reflections but our newest addition, a now 9 month old puppy, seems to enjoy staring at his reflection in the mirror.

  11. Love the photo! He is adorable and maybe he knows it :) I have a little chihuahua that would NOT recognize herself. She believes she is a giant Great Dane! We haven't told her she is only 7 lbs lol!

  12. I wuz starin at my refleckshun in da mirror da udder day.

  13. Water, water on the creek,
    Who's that doggy?
    Let's take a peek

  14. I am sure Kilo thinks he is a big black dog too LOL.

  15. Our beagle Cricket definitely doesn't know she's a small dog! She was raised with two golden retrievers only two months younger, and I don't think she ever realized when they got so much bigger than her! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. He is just adorable and Layla is jealous that you go to all these wonderful places

  17. Cute photo! I know for a fact that Jax thinks he's Harley's side and vice versa! That's how they act too!

  18. I love this photo - I think the doxies think their reflections looks like Lions!

  19. Mr. N has a big personality, and it's wonderful!!

  20. Adorable photo! My 50 lb. Husky thinks she's still a little puppy, LOL!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  21. So clever! I wonder how Bean and Yoda see themselves. I'm positive they both see themselves as "larger than life." Perhaps Bean is a horse (she prances when she walks) and Yoda is a hippo!

  22. TWO handsome boys (even if one is a reflection). I've never noticed Henry and Reese's reaction to their refection. We had a flood in our basement a few weeks ago and I rescued a mirror from storage. Ricky was drawn to his reflection and would sit and admire the big lion looking back at him for hours!!!

  23. Our Lilac Point Siamese thinks he's a dog. He was surrounded by dogs during his formative years and now loves to roll over to have his tummy scratched and sits up to beg for food. :)


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