20 February 2014

K9Kamp Around the Kampfire Blog Hop: Hide and Seek

At the beginning of K9 Kamp, I declared my intention of having Mr. N find my keys for the "hide and seek" theme. Well we kind of got caught up with other flashy tricks like rebound and weave and I barely worked on it. So I scrambled to put something together. Luckily, something clicked in Mr. N's brain during our last session and he's been pretty good about finding the keys. We need to work on him alerting to my keys once he has found them next.

Basically I dabbed some essential oil on my keys and let him sniff the oil bottle then told him to "find it." We've worked on "find it" before only with food. Once he found the keys and started sniffing at them, I would jackpot reward him right next to/on top of the keys.

There's other methods of training this and I don't know if I necessarily picked the easiest way! Oh well. He picked it up pretty quickly once he figured out that essential oil + keys = food. I'm looking forward to him being able to alert me to where my keys are, I often misplace them. He'll be glad too. Lost keys mean delayed walks. 

For our second hide and seek exercise, can anyone spot Mr. N? Any guesses as to which statue he's standing next to? Think folklore. 


  1. Paul Bunyan? Great job teaching the key find! I think you did pick a way that takes longer (than say putting food ON your keys) but it will be longer lasting (like the difficulty in transitioning away from food on the keys to food for finding the keys.) Once Mr.N has an alert, you'll be all set for seeking birch, anise, and clove in competitive nose work!!!

    1. Yup! Bunyan. Supposedly Portland has the biggest statue of him. I'd like to get into nosework but the classes are so expensive around here. Like almost twice what agility costs.

  2. Um, Mr. N- can you help me find my keys please?

    Great job with the K9Kamp challenge. Thanks for participating.


    1. I'll send him over. He might drive your Labs a little crazy though.

  3. Yup, I think it's Paul Bunyan too! Mr.N, you did a great job finding those keys and hiding behind Mr. Bunyan's shoe too!
    Your pals,
    Diane and Rocco

  4. I feel you guys, we got a bit sidetracked with this challenge too. :( I briefly considered and tried getting Niles to find a toy but after having used treats she either didn't get it or thought she was being cheated! XD Maybe I'll try rubbing a strong scent on the item next time. :) Also, where's Paul's ox, Babe? :)

    1. I think I have training ADD. We're always working on several different things when I feel like it. No Babe. We should start a petition lol.

  5. Yikes Mr. N don't get stepped on! Good job on finding the keys. I hope they aren't under that gigantic foot!

  6. I was going to say 'that lumberjack guy" because I couldn't remember his name! LOL Wow, he is really huge!! Good job by Mr. N. I have a friend who should train her dog to do this, she is constantly losing her keys, as well as her cell phone!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. At least with phones you can call them! I think it will come in handy.

  7. Wow! Good thing Paul Bunyan is just a statue. Mr N could have been squished. :) Sage did nose work and loves the game 'find it'.

  8. Wow! Good thing Paul Bunyan is just a statue. Mr N could have been squished. :) Sage did nose work and loves the game 'find it'.

  9. Hi Y'all!

    Very handy "find it"!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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