20 October 2014

Taking the Dogs to the Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze

Sure the weather forecast was dire and predicting gusts of wind, and rain and a potential thunderstorm but we set forth to the corn maze anyway during a clear spot. I bundled Mr. N up in a spare raincoat and his Gold Paw Fleece and pulled my rain boots out of the closet and we were ready.

Mr. N always takes point on walks and is very firm about this. I let Mr. N decide which paths to take in the corn maze. He sped through the maze with the occasional stop for sniffing. 

Both dogs were sniffing intensely. Maybe due to the scent of various animals that wanted to eat the corn? It turned out to be a bit of an agility course for Mr. N as various corn stalks were bent and he had to leap over them or go under them. 

I think we only went through about half the maze but Mr. N found the maze exit before we started getting tired or majorly confused. It rained a little bit on and off but it wasn't bad. Mr. N was not happy about being wet and having to take pictures though. He gets cold easily. 

We also toured other parts of the farm. We stopped to take pictures of the dogs on the hay wagon and the cow carts. The cows all had names like Butters, Alfafa, Dairy etc. There were two cows that were named Einstein and Divo right next to each and we couldn't resist.

And we wandered around the pumpkin patch. 

The farm had a petting zoo with some farm animals and we strolled over because Sage has never met sheep before. Well there was a pig that had gotten out of the enclosure. One minute, I'm looking at the animals, the next I'm frantically moving Mr. N back because his face and the pig's face was almost touching. I wasn't sure if I was more concerned about the pig's safety or Mr. N's! 

Both dogs were enthralled with the farm animals and Sage especially did not want to leave. We figured it was time to go before the dogs' prey drive went into overdrive so we picked up our pumpkins and headed back to the car. 


  1. That looks like so much fun! Which farm did you go to?

    1. Bella Organic. The one we were originally going to go to isn't allowing dogs anymore.

  2. Now that is a real pumpkin patch! How fun and I love the two cows you guys were in!

  3. A corn maze - what fun! Love those cow carts :-)

  4. I love the pic of Mr No and the pumpkins! He's such a great model!

    Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

  5. Hi Y'all!

    Pumpkins? Y'all got pumpkins? Sigh...

    Did y'all get really muddy in that farm field?

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  6. Wow, the corn mazes in my area would never allow dogs! You guys were lucky!

    1. There's a few that allow dogs on leash. One stopped allowing dogs this year.

  7. Looks like fun but maybe too rainy for this wussy dog! Love Dolly

  8. A little jealous of your corn maze fun! No corn mazes near us. Jealous of the rain too! Sounds like a fun, if muddy, adventure!

  9. That was a fun day for everyone. One photo looks like they're sitting atop the gallows with a gloomy sky above!

  10. I love these pictures--looks like a lot of fall fun! The cow carts are great and I love that you both got to meet some farm animals. Someday, I hope Barley gets to meet a sheep! So far, she's only met horses, though.

  11. Okay - the photo of Mr. N and the pumpkins is pure magic. Love, love, love it. He looks so tiny walking through the corn field, my goodness...

  12. Aww, looks like so much fun! Mr. N always looks so handsome :)

  13. Wow! love the pic of Mr. N in the cow cart, looks like you guys had sooo much fun :)

  14. What a fun time! Good for you getting out in spite of the dreary weather. We've had so much of that here lately, we can't let it slow us down anymore.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. That place looks totally pawsome!! Is that Coccolino the mini pig I can see in that last picture?

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)


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