02 January 2015

FitDog Friday #58 - Fitness Gear Presents

Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday season! After a decadent holiday vacation, Mr. N and I are both ready for the New Year and getting back to our exercise routine. Mr. N and I both got fitness gear for presents this year to help us with our exercise goals.

Mr. N got a new harness from Hurtta (which I think may have to be exchanged for a smaller size), several jackets, and Musher's Secret which we ended up not using due to the lack of snow. As well as more frivolous things like his favorite soft squeaky toys and what I'm pretty sure is his weight in treats. 

My gifts included a Fitbit (exercise tracker), lots of woolen base layers, and a bright coral Saucony jacket with reflective strips and built-in LED lights which will be handy when I walk Mr. N in the dark.

Mr. N pictured with some of his presents
I'm aiming for 10,000 steps every day and I'd like to get Mr. N back into lure coursing this year, work on his conditioning and continue our hikes. 

Did you and/or your dogs receive any fitness gear for the holidays? What are your fitness goals? 


  1. What an awesome and useful haul you made there, Mr. N! I have no doubt you will keep up on your fitness in 2015. You are an active guy with great goals! Happy New Year and thanks for joining the hop!

  2. Mercy! Santa sure came through for you. You are one little active doggie and cute as can be. Can't wait to see you stylin' in your new jackets.

  3. Nice haul from Santa. And good goals for the year - look forward to seeing your progress!

  4. Can't say that I have anything "mapped out" but I guess I should huh?

  5. We want to hear how you liked the FitBit because mom wants to get one (just to prove how active she really is). Also, what kind of Hurtta harness did you get, we're looking for one for Taffy. We like Musher's Wax but you do need snow for that, I tried boots last year and they weren't too bad. Nice haul Mr. T! Love Dolly

    1. I'll probably post a bit about the Fitbit in a few weeks after I've tried out its paces. Mr. N got the y-shaped Hurtta harness but I think it's a little big for him. I heard great things about it though.

  6. Someone was on Santa Paws' nice list ;-) Have fun resuming your exercise routine ~ lure coursing sounds very exciting! Where do you do that?
    We enjoy our daily walks & weekend hikes, and are looking forward to teaching our pups some new tricks in 2015!

  7. Super fun gear! Mom and I will walk around the neighborhood. We also both both got new jackets so we won't freeze to death.
    Love and licks,

  8. Do balls and kongs count as fitness gear?...lol. I am looking at getting a Jawbone. It is similar to fitbit. My pedometer on my phone went nuts recently and doesn't seem to be working.

  9. What a great Haul of gifts Mr.N!
    Here's my post for the Pet Bloggers Gift Exchange

    xx Speedy and Rachel

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Just hopped over from Speedy's place! Happy New Year to you and Mr N!

  12. How are you liking your Fitbit so far? I like mine. As you know, I'm shooting for the 10K steps / day again this year too. So far so good... although only 3 days in! Enjoy all those new fun fitness goodies!

  13. What great Christmas gifts! I've been thinking about getting a FitBit myself, and I've been wanting to do the 10,000 steps. I might just get a late start at it, since I didn't think to ask for the FitBit for Christmas! I've been thinking about the Musher's Secret too, but we don't really have much snow yet either. But since Luke will be walking more on the roads this winter I definitely want to protect his paws from the snow/ice/road salt.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. My family all got FitBits or similar things (my siblings got Jawbones?). When I realized I was the only one who couldn't compete with my siblings, my brother ordered one for me, too! It's supposed to be here Wednesday--we'll have to keep each other accountable for steps! I'm going to try to shoot for 15000 because after walking around with my mom for the week after she got her FitBit she usually had 10000 before 3 p.m. Can't wait to compare experiences!

  15. Ohh, looks like some great gear! I'd like some new cold weather gear myself! I'm a bit addicted to workout wear! Your coral Saucony jacket sounds like something I'd like too!


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