19 January 2015

Monday Mischief #55 - Rose City Classic Dog Show 2015

There was still a torrential downpour on Saturday so I packed Mr. N up and we headed to the Rose City Classic. One of my friends from Mr. N's therapy group came with me and we meandered through the hall. She really wanted to see an Irish Water Spaniel but we didn't spot any. We missed the Yorkies too, they were showing earlier that morning. 

 There was a booth selling FitPaws and Mr. N played with some of the equipment. I meant to ask if he could try the treadmill but didn't get around to it. 

Mr. N on the Fitbone with Paw Pods underneath for extra difficulty
We also watched some agility. The particular course we were watching was an international one and very difficult. Most of the dogs we watched didn't qualify. Mr. N watched very intently, I think he was attracted to all the movement. Either that or he was trying to learn agility through osmosis. 

Miraculously, I managed to walk out without buying anything for Mr. N. I had another friend's shopping list with me and we bought some toys for her dog and a thirty-pound bag of kibble. Someone thought I was feeding Mr. N with that and I was like nope, that would take him a couple of years to finish! 

I did want to buy him a fur tug toy that you can stuff food in but I couldn't find any small enough for his mouth. The smallest one I could find was about his size in length. One of the booth people directed me to the small dog toy aisle but they didn't have any fur tugs. Small dogs tug too! Maybe I'll find one at ClickerExpo this upcoming weekend. 

What did you do with your dogs last weekend? Also watch for our giveaway/review later this week.

*GCH CH BUGABOO'S PICTURE PERFECT (Old English Sheepdog) won best in show. 


  1. Love that photo of Mr. N watching agility. He's so focused!

    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

  2. That looks like such fun! Our weekend was boring. But! I'm heading to the Westminster show in New York City next month! I'M SO EXCITED!!!

  3. Mr. N's wardrobe makes me jealous! I love that plaid on him! Looks like he had a great time. I can't remember--has Mr. N ever tried agility classes? He certainly looks entertained by it!

    1. We took a foundation class but I haven't done anything with him since.

  4. What a super fun outing! I bet it was hard not to buy anything...We prepared our up-coming move this past weekend, and I took a few puppy pictures here & there for my upcoming post about moving with dogs :-)

  5. You are my SHERO! I hope to walk out without purchasing anything when I attend something similar next month. Love the way Mr. N poses. Such a natural.

    1. I'm going to a dog training conference this weekend. I fear for my wallet lol.

  6. Oh what fun!! Love how Mr N is watching the agility. And to not buy anything- wow! I can never manage that! We just went for our usual long walks with Rita this weekend. Not super exciting!

  7. Hi Y'all!

    Oh that looks like such fun! Nothing like that in these parts. Too rural I guess.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  8. That sounds like so much fun! We wish we'd had something to do like that around here. But at least our weather let up a little so we were able to get outside and play in the yard.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. Dogs shows are so much fun! We have one coming up here in Phoenix around February & we'll be going for sure. Glad you enjoyed it!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Cathy, Isis & Phoebe

  10. We had a dog show too and we did see an Irish Water Spaniel. :) Freighter won Winners Dog on Sat and 2 points toward his championship! Sun we were creamed by Storm's breeder so Freighter only got Reserve Winners Dog. There were not many vendors at our show, but I did manage to buy some stuff for myself...lol.


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