02 February 2015

Positive Pet Training #13 - Responsible Pet Owners Month and Handling Your Dog

It's important to have your dog used to handling both for everyday grooming and in the case of an emergency. Especially if you have a dog(s) who like poking their nose into every nook and cranny.

Ideally, you'd have your dog acclimated to handling starting from puppyhood but not all of us start off with a puppy. We adopted Mr. N when he was three but I've worked with him on this since then. He is not a wash and wear dog so he has to put up with a lot of grooming. I frequently tell him, if he doesn't like it, he can come back in his next life as a short-haired dog but then he probably won't be in our household because I like fluff.

I can clean Mr. N's ears, brush his teeth, remove things from his mouth (like chicken bones), trim his eye hair and examine his paws. I can cut his nails in a pinch but I've quicked him twice so he usually goes to the groomer. I did teach him how to file down his nails using a filing board though.

Mr. N always gets treats and praise and petting when I have to groom/handle/examine him. So he's used to it and tolerates it. A previous groomer told me that he was the only dog that didn't try to bite her that day! And if your dog isn't used to it, start off with baby steps. Acclimate them slowly so they're comfortable and relaxed throughout the whole process.

Things happen. Sometimes your dog will end up with a face full of burrs. And you will have to remove them one by one with your fingers. You and your dog will be much more comfortable in this situation if your dog is already tolerant of handling. I promise.

How does your dog(s) feel about handling?

Welcome to First Monday's Positive Pet Training Blog Hop hosted by Cascadian Nomads, Tenacious Little Terrier and Rubicon Days. Please share your responsible pet owner positive pet training tips by linking a blog post or leaving a comment below. Any positive reinforcement training posts or comments are also always welcome. The Positive Pet Training Blog Hop goes all week long. Our next hop will begin Monday, March 2nd.


  1. Oh dear! Poor Mr. N with those burrs! I'm glad he's so good at being handled. Barley lets me do just about anything to her. Brushing her teeth is a struggle--she'll let me get some of them, but she doesn't like to hold still long enough to get all of them, but I figure some is better than none!

  2. Such valuable tips. Handling Harley started at a really early age for those same reasons. I am part of the "love fluff" club and I knew he would have to become accustomed to me and a groomer. He's done well, but I'm like you - I stay away from the nail clipping. Great post!

  3. I wrote a bit about this today! Luke is awful about being handled, and last fall when he had a tick on him, we just could not get it off. We don't have the option of going to the groomer or vet to do these things, since he is fearful of strangers. So we'll just keep taking those baby steps and hope that we can get where we need to be.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  4. Great tips! Rita was 7 months when we got her, but I tried to make a point of handling her feet and whatnot. We didn't know to do that way back when we had our Bailey beagle as a pup, so she always had a problem with getting her nails trimmed.

  5. Yep, you're right! Handling is very important! The girls are okay with most stuff. We still have some drama with toe nail trims but for the most part they are good about everything.

  6. I love the fluff too! Phoebe is great about being handled, although she doesn't like it at all when I clip her nails. Isis on the other hand is pretty picky about too much handling. She's more of an independent spirit, must be the Husky in her! I need to work on that with her - you're right it's important to be able to handle our dogs in all instances.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Cathy, Isis & Phoebe

  7. I remember that day! I think Sage also got a few burrs too--she often helps me pull them out.

  8. This is so important! Boca is wonderful about being handled, and that has been such a blessing as we navigate her ongoing eye issue with 4x daily drops and trips to the vet. Ruby needs work - she is a wiggle worm.

  9. This is something we started from day one as well. You don't want a 100+ pound dog trashing around at the vets office ;)

  10. Oh dear that's quite a face full of burrs. It's something we work on regularly, but for some reason Laika's still really picky about her rear feet. I swear I can do anything to that dog but she doesn't want me touching those back paws ( I had the vet exam them to make sure nothing was wrong or painful) . Great advice for anyone getting a dog.

  11. Yikes, how much burrs! Yes, we have ended up like this also but Kiefer is not happy with handling. We are working on it.

  12. Chessies do not like to be handled. We work on it from when they are small. Thank goodness we have not had to deal with a face full of burrs.

  13. I have trouble trimming the dogs' nails. I need Rob to help shovel peanut butter in their mouths.

  14. Excellent reminders and advice here. I have experienced both trying to desensitize a rescue and puppies. Honestly, it is hard not to get frustrated and to stay positive when I know I did everything right but a dog still is fussy about certain handling. Why? Why?!? :) Brychwyn has always hated having his feet touched and Huxley is SO fussy about being brushed. Like you do with Mr. N, I also joke with Huxley about his poor choice in being born a rough collie if he hates brushes so much. I tell him he should come back as a smooth collie!


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