30 March 2015

Monday Mischief #63 - Strangers and Your Dog

I was looking at a Craigslist bike and talking with the seller about dogs. And he said, oh I think I've seen you around with your dog before and asked you about him. You don't remember me? Most people do. I replied that on a normal day, at least ten people comment on Mr. N or ask me questions about him. Mostly good things but we do get the occasional ankle biter or yappy dog comment. 

Photo: One Lifetime Photography
Pretty much every day, someone new tells him how cute he is. This is why he has such a big head. We live in an urban area so we run into a lot of people and I think people are drawn to Mr. N's puppy looks and the way he prances. Especially kids. Mr. N is a total kid magnet. I call him a walking petting zoo. 

Do you often get stopped by strangers who want to talk about your dog? 


  1. Stunning!

    Lots of Woofs from Earl, Ethel and I at Earl's World!

  2. We do get the same...walk a big goofy yellow Lab, and you'll get those kind of comments.

  3. Harley draws a crowd for sure. Jax is building a pretty big fan base himself!

  4. We get stopped all the time, when I walk around with 3 dogs. What's funny is most often, people decide to tell me which one they like best, as if they have to choose!
    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  5. People often tell me how cute Kilo is, too bad he doesn't do so well meeting strangers for the first time yet.

    1. Poor Kilo. Some dogs just never warm up to strangers and that's OK.

  6. hahaha he is Adorable,as I don't have a dog only Speedy,I can answer yes we do get stopped a lot if anybody sees us out on our walks,and if we go to a swing hole by the river where children go we tend to get swamped by adoring kids,xx Rachel

  7. I'm a kid magnet, too, Mr. N. It's tough being ultra-cute. Exhausting!

    Love and licks,

  8. We used to get stopped non-stop (pun intended..) when the pups were puppies ~ now that they're full grown, we get inquisitive comments whenever they're carrying their backpacks!

    1. I kind of want to get Mr. N a tiny wagon but I'm pretty sure someone would call the humane society on me lol.

  9. We used to get stopped all the time with our gorgeous and friendly 3 legged dog, but Rita is shy with strangers so I tend to steer clear of other folks so almost no one talks to us. Which is fine with this introvert!

  10. That happens to us all the time and I swear when someone doesn't say hi or comment on how cute she is, Barley gets offended. She'll look over her shoulder at them as they walk away and I have to keep her from running into things. Lately, she's been winning over the elderly people who have emerged from their hibernation and has been getting lots of love while I've been getting stories about the border collies they grew up with. That's been kind of fun :)

    1. There was this time when we ran into a guy who liked big dogs and just wanted to pet Sage. Mr. N was like this does not compute and shoved his head under the guy's hand. He ended up petting them both.

  11. Yep! All the time! Sometimes at the worst of times. LOL! Usually people want to know what they are (Vince has replied, "dogs" before :D ) and they will say how cute they are or what a good size they are.. Most of the time, they want to know if they are littermates.

    1. I can see how that would be tedious. Mostly I just get fed up with the old white guys (it's them 99 percent of the time) who think they're being funny by barking at Mr. N, asking who is walking who?, saying oh who thinks he's a pitbull/guard dog/take your pick etc.

  12. Who could possibly resist Mr. N's charms. We don't get stopped like that because Walter is usually bouncing up and down with excitement at wanting to meet everyone. He is a boxer after all and loves to bounce.

  13. I had no idea a giant dog would cause such a giant attraction and fear. I have been stopped by police during a night run. They joked that we were not zoned for livestock and next time they would give me a ticket. Joking of course. But more than the attraction, people are afraid. I had a lady hide her dog behind a trash can and scold it when it barked at us. He looked like he wanted to play but she was not going to allow it.

  14. What a great picture! No wonder Mr. N get's stopped all the time he is simple adorable! When Shasta's uncle Teddy, who is Mr. N's size, is with us he steals all the attention. When Shasta is on his own he gets to be the center but Shasta loves being with Teddy so much he really doesn't mind... :-)

  15. I think I would want to pet and talk about Mr. N if I ran into you too! We live in a pretty quiet area and don't run into a lot of people, but on occasion we have run into people that wanted to talk about dogs. One time I was walking Sheba and all these kids from the local school were out jogging. She was very put out that none of them stopped to pet her! Luckily earlier we had run into a family who wanted to though....I think golden retrievers are a breed that attract people too.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. Poor Haley got a comment today from a man who said "You got an old dog there, don't you?" She looked up at me like "What's he talking about?" Haha!


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