08 May 2015

Hiking Hardy Ridge & Phlox Point

We were invited to go on an early morning hike last weekend so we blearily made our way out of bed and to meet people from the dog hiking group. Our group consisted of Aussies, a Cattle Dog, a Lab and Mr. N.

I made sure to pack plenty of water for the two of us and I stashed a fleece and Mr. N's cooling vest in my pack. I was a little worried if I would make it through the hike. I knew Mr. N would be fine, his hiking stamina is much better than mine. And I was right.

The wildflowers were all abloom and we saw tons of Indian paintbrush and even some Chocolate Lilies. 
Photo by Rebecca Richardson
Photo by Rebecca Richardson
Photo by Rebecca Richardson

Mr. N trotted in front of me and made sure I kept up with the rest of the group. It got warm quickly and layers came off. Mr. N started off wearing a fleece and was wearing his cooling vest by the time we got to the summit. 
Photo by Rebecca Richardson

We let the dogs sit in the shade and ate a snack up on the summit while admiring the scenery. Mr. N was a little warm but the way down was mostly in the shade and he recovered quickly. Some of the other dogs weren't as fortunate having dark, thick coats. 
Photo by Rebecca Richardson
It was a lovely hike with stunning views but I think we were all ready to go home after nine miles of hiking. We all slept very well that night.

Photo by Rebecca Richardson


  1. Gosh, these pictures are amazing. Where do you live - California? You are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place!

    I have a cooling vest as well. They work wonders!

    1. We're in the beautiful state of Oregon. Portland to be exact.

  2. How fun! Mr. N, you look dashing in the photos as always! We had heat over the weekend, it is not easy to deal with. We prefer cooler weather. Thanks for joining the hop.

  3. Nine miles...wow you guys really get a lot of mileage in. Looks like a great trail.

  4. Love that vest Mr.N has. Perfect for warm weather hikes.

  5. What a beautiful hike! I haven't tried a cooling vest yet for Haley, but I think she might really like one since we do a lot of hiking and she heats up pretty quickly with her black coat. Do they work well?

    1. I think it gives Mr. N too much energy in hot weather lol. It works well for him. I think they're not as good in humid weather though.

  6. Gorgeous hike.


  7. I also would have slept very well after hiking 9 miles :-) Nice job remembering to pack Mr. N's cooling vest!

  8. Wow! That was a great hike! I know, we're often the smallest dog amongst giants on our hikes too!

  9. Wow, that's a long hike....good for you! Did it even tire out Mr. N?
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. He had no trouble with the hike itself and could have kept on going but he did sleep soundly when he got home.

  10. Wow! Barley and I can hardly make it two miles in the warm weather! Even with her cooling coat, she just gets too warm on hot days. I always forget how little it takes to wear her out in the warmer months, so I'm relishing this new tired Barley that I haven't seen in months ;)

  11. What beautiful flowers. Haven't done a hike with Harley & Jax, cool idea to have a dog hiking group.

  12. It looks like it was a wonderful hike. I am impressed that you all did 9 miles. This time of year it seems like we start out the day with coats and end in shorts...lol.

  13. NICE hike! and pretty blooms. We love hikes. People always look so surprised to see tiny Monte with us. :)

  14. The scenery is magnificent, and Mr N is looking as regal as ever. In theory I love the sound of a hike, but to have to do it... I say that as I'm about to take the dogs out for a nice long walk. I'd rather be in front of my laptop if I'm honest.

  15. The flowers are lovely. Magic would spend all his time sniffing everywhere! Great pictures.

  16. What a gorgeous place to hike! 9 miles is quite the trek (at least it would be for us!) Great photos too.

  17. What a beautiful place to hike, wow, and the photographs are awesome

  18. Oh my gosh! I would have had to have Dexter's stroller and that would have been tough on that terrain. Way to go.

  19. Love reading of Mr. N's adventures. His life is so much more exciting than mine! Really enjoyed the images and reading about the hike.

  20. Very beautiful - oh and the mountains are lovely as well! :) I find the mountains (and dogs) so soothing!

  21. Wow! Amazing view and scenery. Mr. N. looks gorgeous posing amidst it all.


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