15 May 2015

ACVO National Service Animal Eye Exam

This year Mr. N participated in the ACVO National Service Animal Eye Exam. The event provides a free screening-wellness eye exam to Service Animals including those provide the following services: guide, hearing assistance, drug detection, police/military, search and rescue, therapy, and those assisting people with disabilities other than blindness. Registration begins in April and the examinations take place in May. 

I'd like to thank the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists for hosting the event, VCA Northwest Veterinary Specialists for examining Mr. N and Stokes Pharmacy and the other sponsors. Having good eyesight is essential for his therapy dog responsibilities. 

It was a really quick visit. I filled out a form and presented our paperwork and we were in and out in about ten minutes. The vet came in and waved his hands in front of Mr. N's eyes, then shone a light into them and examined them through a scope. Mr. N's eyes were declared normal.  

Mr. N hates going to the vet but he is very stoic and tolerant of everything they do to him there. He was obviously miffed at me for making him endure said torment. I tried to take this photo of him in front of the building afterwards and he refused to cooperate unlike his normal photo loving self. 

The American Veterinary Dental College offers free oral health exams for service dogs but they're not offering it this year. 


  1. What a wonderful service to provide for service dogs! I didn't know you were a service dog - that's very impressive.

    1. He's actually a therapy dog. Technically, they provide free exams for working dogs (including service, search and rescue, therapy etc.) but they call it the service animal exam.

  2. Haha...great photo - he's so mad at you. Great event though - having had a blind dog, I know the importance of keeping an eye on their vision and addressing any issues early on.

    1. The bf was asking why I was taking Mr. N when his eyesight is fine and I told him the whole point is preventing problems!

  3. That picture is fantastic. I didn't know Mr. N was capable of giving such attitude! Glad to hear that the eye exam went well.

    1. Oh he's a total drama queen and very expressive. I almost sat on him once by accident and my friend told me he had the most indignant and human look on his face.

    2. The more I learn about Mr. N, the more convinced I become that he and Barley are cut from the same cloth! She's such a diva and her eyebrows just make those expressions even more apparent.

  4. Glad to hear your eyes are good, almost as important as a good nose! Your hair in your pic is funny today, gave me a chuckle.

    1. I don't think there's a nose exam but you would pass it with flying colors, Emma!

  5. LOL oh Mr.N giving mom the cold shoulder.

  6. Glad your eyes are in good shape, if you could say it that way.


  7. Oh Mr. N! You look like Rocco when he doesn't want his photo taken! Hurray for passing the eye exam!

    1. He is so rarely like this, I thought it was funny. He loves having his photo taken.

  8. This is an amazing service. So glad that Mr. N is healthy...even if he is not happy with you! Ha!

  9. I'm glad you had such a great experience! I've always liked the team at NWVS. I even worked there myself for a little while!

  10. I've heard of the free eye exams in May for service pups & think it's wonderful to be this supportive to those K9s helping us humans out!
    --> I hadn't seen this pouty side of Mr. N yet ;-)

  11. I've never heard of this - such a great idea. Thanks for sharing Mr. N.

  12. It doesn't matter how simple it is....dogs just don't like having anything done to them! That was a great service and we're glad to hear Mr. N's eyes are good.
    Lots of wags and woofs from the crew at Wag n Woof Pets

  13. What a great service! I had not heard of that before. Great to know for those who need it.

    1. Yeah, I forget how I heard about it but I don't think most people know.

  14. Oh you better do something to make it up to Mr.T and fast! That's quite the cold shoulder you're getting from him. Happy to hear his eyes are good though.

  15. OH Mr N sat there with a lofty look on his face. 'I can cope' I am a brave dog.

    He makes me smile!

    I am glad his eyesight is OK. It should be part of any and every dog's health regime.

    1. I mean I check his eyes for debris but it's the first time they were examined that closely.

  16. This is a great service! Thanks for shining a light on it.

  17. you made him pose after the vet? What did you expect?? LOL

  18. I am glad you are getting the word out about this. It can really help service dogs. Dex had his eyes CERF tested one year, too.

    1. Thanks. I thought about getting his health checks done but I figured this was good enough.

  19. I have never heard of this test although my vet checks Layla's eyes whenever we go for a visit, he really does look upset on that bench LOL

  20. Glad Mr. N's vision is good. We are concerned about Shasta's. How can I find out if there is and event coming to our area? Since Shasta is a therapy dog we could get his eyes checked.

    1. It's a national event. Registration for free screening eye exams for Service Animals opens every April 1st, closing on the 30th; exams are held in May. Check the website for more info. There's also a map so you can see if there's one by you.

  21. Mr. N looks soooo cute sitting on that bench. Glad his eye exam went well and that all checked out okay!

  22. What a terrific service! Mr. N...please forgive...it was all for love and your continued good health! Now go give Momma a little kiss... :-)

  23. hahaha On, Mr. N~ That is how Dexter poses all the time. Don't look at the camera. Whatever you do, don't look at the camera. ;)

    1. Mr. N is actually pretty good at looking at the camera but he had strong feelings about going to the vet.

  24. i didnt see anyone else ask so why aren't dogs that are assisting the blind included in this?


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