15 June 2015

Clackamas County Dog Services' Dog Sports Demo Day

Clackamas County Dog Services holds a dog sports demo day every year as a fundraiser for the shelter dogs. I was originally just going to spectate with Mr. N. After a two-hour class, I didn't expect him to want to do any more work. He seemed perky enough and there weren't that many other dogs there so I ended up signing him up. 

It's free to watch (dog treats or food donation encouraged). I brought along some Jones chews to donate. And five dollars to try out the various sports (scent work, carting, barn hunt, clicker training, flyball and agility). They also provide yellow ribbons for the dogs that need more space. 

We headed over to the carting booth where (as expected), we were told that there were no carts for Mr. N's size. Instead, one of the Bernese Mountain Dog Club volunteers pulled Mr. N around as he sat regally for his photo. 

The Berners were very sweet and mellow. I don't think they moved the entire time we were there. 

Mr. N's favorite booth was probably the scent work one. We had a discussion with the Pacific Truffle Dogs trainer about different methods of teaching scent work while Mr. N was rewarded with salmon treats for finding odor. 

At the clicker training booth, Mr. N decided he knew everything already and found the dog bed and took a nap.

 Mr. N ran through the chute and did some cavalettis at the agility booth.

He had a sudden burst of energy at the flyball booth and played some tug and did a jump.

 By the time we reached the Barn Hunt booth, he was done and just wandered around sniffing the ground.

Earlier, he was very interested in the rats cage. I think he finds Barn Hunt boring... he is like so I found the rats, now what? He can do it. He has a ribbon from a fun test but he much prefers lure coursing where there is the thrill of the chase. 

Does your dog have a favorite sport? Any new ones you want to try?


  1. That looks like a really fun event! There are so many ways to teach nose work. We stick with what our instructors here teach us, but learn other tips and tricks from others outside our area. A good mix is best.

  2. Looks like a lot of fun. I'm glad you went and stayed so Mr. N. could get his exercise in. Was he exhausted when you got home?

    1. Between that and class earlier (so five hours in the sun), he slept non-stop when we got home.

  3. What a fun day out! Getting pulled in a cart must've been SO much fun!

    Love and licks,

  4. He looks like he is having so much fun! Love the tugging photo especially!

  5. So many fun activities! The Bernese Mountain Dogs are beautiful, maybe next time they can pull Mr. N in the cart!

  6. What a cool event! I love Bernese Mountain Dogs too.

  7. Wow. That looks like so much fun. I'd love to do something like that with Jedi.

  8. Oh, that looks like fun - and so great that they were understanding about yellow ribbon dogs! Not sure which of those Rita would like. She does enjoy a good game of tug though - i think that's the bit of terrier in her. But the nose work would probably be her best bet!

  9. Too bad they didn't have a mini cart for Mr. N to try. You sure were cute sitting in the big dog cart though.

  10. Hi Y’all!

    Hey, I'm a retriever, what's not to retrieve! Sounds like a great fun place to try out new stuff!

    Did you follow me to http://www.browndogcbr.net. There is a link on http://browndogcbr.blogspot.com.

    Hope, if you haven’t already, y’all will come to my new home. I’m still workin’ on it. We need your input.

    Y’all hurry on by now!
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  11. That does look like a super fun event, Id love for rolo to try lots of that stuff!

  12. That looks like a lot of fun Mr. N! I don't know much about barn hunts, but this is the 2nd time I've read about them at a blog. Are the rats kept in their cage to be sniffed out?

    1. No, one of them gets put into a tube. At the beginning level, they hide three tubes, one with the rat, one with rat bedding and an empty one and the dogs have to find the one with the rat.

  13. What a fun event! I have done some nose work with Luke at home, but want to get training in it so I can be sure we're doing it right. It's hard to find classes in our rural area though and I'm not sure we'll ever be able to compete unless we really want to travel.
    I have never heard of "carting", and might have to look up what that is all about!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. That sounds like a really cool event to help raise funds for the shelter. Looks like Mr. N had a great time. Love all the pics you included as part of the story.

  15. That seems like such a fun event! I would love to try a lot of those sports with Mauja and Atka. We don't have anything like that around here.

  16. This looks like so much fun! We definitely want to try some basic agility!

  17. That sounds fun. You can try different things. Too bad they did not have more to interest Mr. N.


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