17 July 2015

The Buddy System for Dogs

Lots of things want to eat Mr. N. Birds of prey. Coyotes. Other bigger dogs. So when we hike (especially off-leash), we usually go with bigger dogs as a safeguard.

I refer to Sage as Mr. N's "muscle" and she will run interference occasionally and charge other dogs when they're bothering him and won't back off. When Sage is overwhelmed by a mob of kids, Mr. N is happy to soak in the attention and perform tricks while Sage retreats. The buddy system works for dogs too!

We were at 1000 Acres the other day when a woman asked, "who does the small dog belong to?" I responded and she told me there was an eagle across the river and to keep an eye out for it. I did keep a wary watch on it but it didn't try to make a grab for Mr. N or anything. Maybe because Sage was usually within a few feet of Mr. N.

But mostly the dogs just hang out together and play together. Mr. N plays with sticks more often due to Sage's influence and he likes playing in water a smidgen more. I'm not quite sure what Sage has picked up from Mr. N.

Does your dog have a hiking/playing/field trip buddy?


  1. Those two are quite a team. We are our own team.

  2. What good buddies. Our Sally used to have a hiking buddy - Rudy, a Borzoi. They loved to play and hike together...they were kind of in love actually.

  3. Katie used to be my guard dog, but now that she is older, I have kind of taken on her old role. Bailie and I do lots of hunting together, but as a rule we have all kind of always done our own thing. The exception would be catching a critter in the yard where we each do our own thing but it all contributes to rounding up and capturing the critter. Mom says it is amazing to watch.

  4. They do make a great team. We used to have to be very careful with Pip when we were in northern Wisconsin. Lots of eagles around.

  5. She looks like a great bodyguard Mr. N, Kilo needs someone like that!

    1. Kilo had one BFF Stanley to hike with but he passed away from cancer a few months ago. He doesn't like most dogs sadly.

  6. She looks like the PAWfect partner Mr. N. Enjoy her company!


  7. It looks like they are having a blast. I am glad Sage did not have to fend off the eagle.

  8. What a great team effort! I'm on my own out there, except for Mom. She's my muscle. Oh crap. I'm in trouble....

    Love and licks,

  9. It's good to have a buddy; someone to watch your back!

  10. So nice for Mr N to have some protection! I think I can take care of myself pretty well, I don't know if an Eagle could pick me up or not, we have a coyote problem here too so its always wise to be safe. Nice for the woman to say something. Love Dolly

  11. This is so adorable. Our adult dogs watched out for the puppies when they were puppies. Rodrigo does a great job of protecting his pack and only defers to me and J. I love that they take care of each other.

  12. That's so cool that Sage & Mr. N have the buddy system all figured out! Missy & Buzz are each other's buddies ;-)

  13. I just love their relationship! I never worry about a bird of prey carrying Barley off--but I do worry about them confusing her tail for something tasty and making a swoop for her, especially since I've had a friend have that happen with her pony tail and an owl! Barley's more of a loner and prefers me to be her hiking buddy (although she does enjoy hitting the trail with her cousin and my parents' dog), but she definitely is Soth's protector when there are other dogs around. If my sister's dog starts to chase Soth, she'll jump in and cut him off like she's saying, "That's my cat! I'm the only one allowed to chase him."

  14. With the two of them always together - they are like built in buddies. Occasionally - Piper will tag along for a while, she likes hanging out with the Boys.

  15. Magic, my GSD, does have a buddy...that's Karma-Kat. They are really tight!

  16. They look like they're having a lot of fun together! That's great that they are such good buddies.

  17. How wonderful that they look out for each other. Edie doesn't have a "dog" buddy, but she does live with two cats and she is protective of them and watches over them.

  18. The buddy system is always a great one, isn't it? Penny loves her buds from nosework class.

  19. Mr N has to be the busiest dog I know. I hadn't thought of the buddy system for dogs, but it certainly makes sense especially when there are real threats to Mr N around.

  20. Looks like a lot of fun! Yes, those big prey birds can be dangerous very quickly. It was nice the lady told you about it.

  21. We never left our Yorkie unattended outside when we lived in the country. One time she hit the dirt on her own when a large bird of prey was flying overhead. Our dogs aren't off leash except in the back yard. I think it has too many trees to make Nelly at risk, but I guess you never know.

  22. Our toy poodle hasn't ever really cared for other dogs. Instead he'll let our cats curl up next to him and even plays with one of them. Otherwise, his companions are my husband and I and any other person who will pamper him. ;-)

  23. I can't imagine Mr. N needing protection, he's such a big dog inside that little body, LOL! I think it's so wonderful how these two are such great friends and go on adventures together. Icy has a Golden Retriever buddy named Cooper, we wish they could spend more time together and go places together but sadly Cooper's family doesn't take him places. One day I'm gonna just "kidnap" him for the day & whisk him away on a great adventure!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  24. What a great idea. Layla does not have a buddy system but we are a lot in the dog parks where there are dogs of all sizes but I do keep an eye out

  25. An Eagle after Mr N??? Seriouslies!!!!!! Oh my cat that sounds scary I would have nightmares for our cats, I would have to build then a 10 acre catio I would....

    * takes a breath *

    I am glad he had Sage for a buddy dog, this is such a brilliant idea - Sage is an 'example' of positive doghood to Mr N, and he will watch and learn from Sage as much as Sage helps him!

  26. Yes! Sherm is certainly the muscle for Bruisy and Walter although I think Walter should have this role! It's nice for them though if other dogs get in the doxie's personal space. Sherm can be loud :)

  27. I wish my dog was more social! Are used to think that she was a princess, too good for others. Recently when I started her and obedience training, I realized that she was extremely shy and traumatized. It surprised and hurt me, because I thought that I rescued her early enough. The trainer told me that animals are socialized in their first year. Maybe one day she'll have the confidence to meet you and Mr. N! Although I don't think should be a good watch dog.

  28. What a wonderfully connected buddy/team!! Dogs always make friends so easily - love that. Ours are each others buddies - but Mookie is definitely more outgoing and insane, loving to make new buddies all the time! Thanks for this heartwarming reminder that buddies help the world be a better place (for dogs and humans alike)!

  29. How wonderful Sage and Mr. N have developed a special relationship and look out for each other.

  30. Mr. N. and Sage seem to have the perfect relationship. Reese has two bigger brothers who would probably bark at an Eagle. I wouldn't want to risk them running off, scared. Yikes!


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