10 July 2015

You Never Know Who You Might Run Into (or in this case what)

Mr. N and I have seen lots and lots of weird things on our walks. Living in Portland, it's part of the territory. We've run into people from the Easter Bunny crawl (people dress up as bunnies and bar hop), a couple that regularly walks around with giant puppets, and giant beer bottle mascots napping in the grass.

A few days ago, we were walking in a park that we haven't been to in a while and stumbled across a piano. What is a lone piano doing in a park by itself you may ask.

The piano is part of Piano! Push Play!, an organization that rescues old pianos, teams up with artists to decorate them and puts them in public spaces during the summer for people to play. After the summer, the pianos get donated to community centers and schools.

This particular piano is in Cathedral Park and dubbed the Scarlatti. It was decorated by Mette Hornung Rankin. Definitely one of the coolest things we've seen on one of our walks.

Have you run into any cool or weird or interesting things while out on a walk?


  1. That is really neat! I found a keyboard in the woods once, but that would be about it.

  2. That is pretty cool - do you play Mr. N?

  3. What a beautiful piece of art...and Mr. N looks cute as usual too.

  4. That is super cool! Love the idea of people stopping to play, wherever they are! Mr. N looks great, too.

  5. That's incredible, and the fact that you were able to walk right up to it, pose and take a photo makes it amazing. Here in the DC area, it would have been encased in glass, roped off and guarded by security LOL

    1. It's pretty cool. There are several pianos scattered over town including the downtown area, I think.

  6. I love this! What a great idea. We have a city here where people donate chairs and they are painted yellow and around the city.

  7. Wow that's so cool! Is it still playable?

    1. Yes! Some people brought other instruments down and had a little mini-concert.

  8. Nothing so interesting as a splendid piano. We find the odd back scratcher so I roll around and have a nice scratch until Mum says, 'Muffy no! That is a dead Mole!'
    Muffin x

  9. I agree with you, you never do! Everything is an adventure. And what a wonderful looking piano.


  10. We've never seen anything that cool on a walk (or even weird or very interesting)! Do they cover them up at night so they don't get wet if it rains?
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. It's under the bridge so it has some protection and it's been a really dry summer. We haven't had rain in forever.

  11. That is SO cool! I might have to stop by there before it's gone!

  12. What a fantastic thing to find! And it's so gorgeous!

  13. That's beautiful! And I adore Cathedral Park. I used to go to the jazz festival there in the summertime when I lived in PDX. I wish that piano had been there when I was there!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  14. That piano is really cool. I guess people must play them? I wonder what brown dawgs would have done if they saw the bunny crawl people....lol.

  15. How cool! We used to see some weird stuff when we lived in Cambridge and in Austin - not so much in da suburbs of Dallas.

  16. What a cool piano! The bunny crawl sounds hysterical--but Barley probably wouldn't agree; we once saw Lake Effect Louie (a person dressed up as a snowman) on his way to the Winterfest parade and Barley couldn't not figure that one out :) Mr. N looks like quite the maestro in this picture--hope he played you something beautiful!

  17. What a totally great idea! I hope you, and your human, played the piano!! Thanks for sharing this - I had no idea, and it looks like fun!

  18. That is such a neat idea!! Mr. N looks like quite the professional piano player ;-)
    We've taken a walk through an art park in Raleigh, NC last year, which is essentially the outdoor art portion of the NC Museum of Art. They have several nifty art installations along the walk!

  19. What a cool find and great photo opportunity!

  20. That is one cool piano! Great paint job!

  21. Play us a sooong, you're the Piano Dog....! Sing us a song tonight.....
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them


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