16 August 2015

It's the Humidity

It's actually cooler here in Michigan than it is in Portland but both Mr. N and I are struggling with the humidity. Mr. N thinks that little Northwestern dogs are not made for Midwestern humidity. He's been drinking a ton of water and plopping down in the grass for breaks during walks which is his cue for he simply can't walk any further and must be carried home. I frequently tell him he's lucky he's not five pounds heavier. 

One more long walk for him and then it's back to Portland. He has missed all his toys including his beloved bear and his dog friends and he has a lot of mail to catch up on. I think he'll miss having three extra humans to fuss over him though. 


  1. We agree with Mr. N! I wouldn't be able to handle that humidity, either!

  2. It gets humid here sometimes too :( I've been trying to stay inside during the day. Too hot!

  3. Keep in the shade. You have the right idea.

  4. We hate the humidity, too. It makes mom so grumpy! BOL!

  5. I laughed when I read this because even though it's been humid in Ohio lately, Barley and I were so happy to get back to this kind of humidity after spending 2 weeks in Alabama humidity! Barley does the plop down in the shade trick, too, but unfortunately for her, I can't carry her home, so I tell her we can hang out in the shade for a little while, but then she has to muster the strength to walk the last 1/2 mile home ;)

  6. Yep, I hate that high humidity too, Mr. N! Living in Ohio, I guess I'm kind of used to it but I would love to live somewhere else that has a drier climate.

  7. It has been incredible humid here in Minnesota as well! Stay cool my fur-iend and drink plenty of water! :)

  8. The humidity has been a constant struggle for all of us here in VA. But when I think about the winter months that seemed to never go away - I smile and keep it moving.

  9. Your mom carries you when you're tired??? Lucky dog! I'm on my own over here in the middle of the heatwave. Happily, hot is never too hot for me.

    Love and licks,

  10. We agree - humidity is no fun! It's usually just the right amount of humidity here in SD but it was crazy-muggy here this morning so we cut our walk short!

    It's always fun to travel but it's always nice to get home too! Have a safe flight home!

  11. Mom always makes us walk. She says she just can't carry five of us, especially big girl Sera!

  12. I am 5 pounds heavier and I sure wish mom could carry me home some days. You are experiencing our midwestern heat and humidity first hand. I do the same thing, just lay right down and won't walk any more, and that is in the early morning. Lucky you for going home to Portland. Mom wants to retire there or Seattle to get away from this horrible stuff. Love Dolly

  13. We are in FL and the humidity here is AWFUL. Like a big, hot, wet blanket. Ugh. Portland sounds nice right about now!

  14. Wish I could figger out how to get my momma to carry me!

  15. The humidity can be pretty rough when you're not used to it. We don't get a lot here in NH, so when we do, everyone is complaining and just exhausted by it.
    Hope you had a safe trip home!
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets


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