07 September 2015

Back to School Activities + Training Goals

Mr. N plans on being a jock this school year. He's thinking about trying out for the track team or soccer. Drama club is also an option. He does love being the center of attention. 

Dog activity-wise, he's starting up therapy dog visits again and next month, he'll be testing for his novice trick dog title. We might also try for the Urban Canine Good Citizen title if I can find a test. Next year, I'd also like to get him into a nose work ORT. There are a couple tricks like rebounds and weaving through legs I'd like him to finish learning and some other old tricks that could use some polishing like "spin." His favorite sport, lure coursing is on hiatus until the summer. But I think he'll have plenty to do until then. 

Which school activity would your dog want to do? 

Welcome to First Monday's Positive Pet Training Blog Hop hosted by Cascadian NomadsTenacious Little Terrier and Rubicon Days. Please share your responsible pet owner positive pet training tips by linking a blog post or leaving a comment below. Any positive reinforcement training posts or comments are also always welcome. The Positive Pet Training Blog Hop goes all week long. Our next hop will begin Monday, Oct. 5th and continues for a week. 


  1. Those sound like great fall goals! I think Zoe would definitely want to try out for the Drama Club and Phoenix would probably like soccer, too! :D

  2. Mr. N you sure have a busy schedule for this fall. If there were a class in high jumping that would be Walter's forte. Millie is looking for a class in rolling around in the grass. We aren't as ambitious as you but we still stay active.

    1. Mr. N enjoys rolling around in the grass too. That's probably how he would celebrate a goal!

  3. Wow, a lot of school Mr. N! With what agency did you end up doing your Therapy dog training? Shasta is interested! :-)

  4. Haley would like to know if she can borrow Mr. N's soccer ball when he's finished the season? She lost hers and we can't find a replacement anywhere. :)

    1. Mr. N's came as part of a kit, intended for kids lol. I would think the dollar store would have one, no?

  5. That's a lot of dog education! :) It's not on your list, but Jon Farleigh and Dewi would like me to get them into tracking - because FOOD. No really, I tried it with JF once, and he followed the hit dog trail all over the place like a champ. It's just SO time consuming. Maybe when my kids are all grown.

  6. I love the idea that back to school isn't just for little humans.

  7. Ha ha, Drama Club...that was funny! Our beagle Cricket could definitely go for that too...she is a drama queen. :)
    We definitely have nose work still on our list for Luke, but we've put it off for a bit to work on his stranger issues. I'd also love to try a trick dog title for him someday as well.
    So much training to choose from, and so little time!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  8. Doggy school is cool! Normal school drools. BOL.

  9. I've been thinking about doing the trick training and earning titles, Dante and Ziva know a few tricks. Sounds like fun!!

  10. Therapy dog! Such fun! Mia has done some amateur therapy work. We took her to visit Rob's mom in the hospital, and I think it was more soothing for Rob's dad than his mom!

  11. Seeing Mr. N. lure coursing must be the most adorable thing ever! I keep procrastinating Ruby's Intermediate Trick Title - she has enough tricks, it's just a matter of putting them all together for a witness and sending it in.

  12. Nala's favorite school subject would totally be lunch. :P

    Mr. N lure coursing! I bet he looks a lot like a bunny himself as he sprints across the field!

  13. Oh, Brychwyn would be all about drama! Can you do the CGCU before the CGCC? I think the urban test would be easier but I thought I had to pass the community one first?

  14. Definitely let me know how the CGCU goes! We're thinking of taking that one as well.


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