22 January 2016

#MixItUp with Instinct® Raw Boost® Mixers. Mr. N Would Eat Them in a Box. Mr. N Would Eat Them with a Fox.

This post is sponsored by Instinct® and the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Instinct® Raw Boost® Mixers but Tenacious Little Terrier only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Instinct is not responsible for the content of this article.

Armed with the results of our shopping trip to Petsmart, we ventured out for a hike with Mr. N's friend Sage on a rare sunny day. The Instinct® Raw Boost® is ideal for high value treat  rewards on hikes as they are light to carry, tiny, the dogs love them and they ensure a speedy recall. I took a trial bag of the beef with me and Mr. N dashed back to me at intervals to check in and receive his just reward. 

The mixers are high in protein which Mr. N really needs because he burns all the calories running around after Sage and keeping warm after wading in the water. I gave him several pieces after he went in the water and he wanted to know if they were really all for him. I reassured him that yes, they were all his! 

Sage thought it was the most unfair thing in the world that Mr. N was being given treats and she wasn't. I promised her some after the photos but she couldn't wait. I accidentally dropped two of the pieces and she tore apart a log looking for them. Mr. N's friend, Sage ardently believes in the concept of #notreatleftbehind. I sent her home with a trial bag of the chicken mixers as Mr. N is allergic and she has proved her liking for them. 

Mr. N thinks it's dinner time and kindly pointed out where the mixers are being kept. I think we all get the message.

Mr. N is currently eating his pork raw food with the lamb topper. No need to add water which he appreciates. I think he doesn't like the texture change. He gobbles it down and leaves behind a clean plate. It's super easy to add it to your pet's food. We keep the bag by his dishes and I toss in a few pieces with his regular food at meal times. It's especially handy for us when we forget to thaw his normal food.

Eating raw has proved to be a boon for Mr. N. He's always had a a bit of a delicate stomach and raw helps with his digestive issues. They haven't completely gone away but are much reduced in frequency. He also has all the energy. People are always amazed when I tell them he's not a puppy but seven. He was chasing after a half-grown Lab puppy once and the Lab owner suggested he might mellow out when he grows up. She then asked me how old he was. I told her and she was like oh, I guess it's too late for that then. 

You can check out Instinct's website HERE and learn more about Instinct on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. If you want to try it, Petsmart is running a sale on the Raw Boost until the 31st. 20 percent off the 14 oz bag and 3/$5 for the trial bags. 

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Nature's Variety. The opinions and text are all mine.


  1. Replies
    1. He has never had lox. He probably would like it though. He loves smoked salmon.

  2. I'm all over these mixers. We are using them as toppers and as rewards and they are tasty!

  3. These mixers look amazing! Need to send my humans to the store to pick some up!!! :)

  4. What a smart idea! I never thought to use them as a training treat. I may have to give that a shot.

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  5. Mr N is a great sales-dude... and these mixes look pawesome.

  6. Ha! Still peeing my pants over the title. SO true. The Instinct Raw Boost Mixers are the real deal...we love them, too!

  7. You all are too danged cute and now I'm hungry! I'll have to go get some Instinc Raw Boost Mixers!

  8. If he needs help eating them, I have two fox look-a-like volunteers! ;)

    That's awesome that he likes the food so much! :D

  9. I've incorporated some raw bites into my cats food and it's amazing how much more energy they have now. And their fur is so soft and silky too! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties

  10. I love that our raw diet boosts the pups' energy!! Mr. N DOES look like a young pup, and nothing like 7 years. Air high 5s your way for keeping him so fit with the right kind of nutrition and exercise :-)

  11. We love these too! It's making it easier for me to make more homemade meals for the crew, if I don't have to cook meat all the time, and I like that we can add a little bit of raw too.
    I haven't tried them for training yet, I definitely need to add some to the treat bag!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. Rocco believes in #notreatleftbehind too! We love Instinct raw and freeze dried!

  13. I'm glad to hear that Mr. N and Sage enjoy the Mixers! They do sound like really good treats to use on hikes. :)

  14. These Raw Boost Mixers seem like a great addition to a meal! Mr. N is so cute in the photo where he is found the Mixers in the drawer. :) They are something yummy to help new foods go down easily.
    -Purrs from your friends at www.PlayfulKitty.net

  15. The portion given to Mr. N is adorable - I need to try these treats for nose work! Thanks for posting!

  16. Those look yummy. I hope Sage found here treats after working so hard for them.

  17. We add Raw Boost Mixers and the dogs love it!

  18. Those Raw Boost Mixers look like delicious healthy treats for Kilo the Pug. He is very jealous Mr N got to try them. I'll have to head over to PetSmart and grab some. Such cute photos of Mr N!!

  19. I've always heard such good things about Instinct products! It's good to know that if I chose to go in that direction, Chuleta would have Instinct as a primary option.

  20. Mr. N is so adorable! and the raw boosters look delicious ;)

  21. LOL at the post title. Great review. I see that Mr N is loving it!

  22. Mr. N. is such a great spokesdog! Love the photos (searching for treasure).

  23. Sounds like this is an excellent match for you Mr. N. Enjoy!!!!

  24. Truffle and Brulee love the Raw Boost Mixers for cats.

  25. He sure is cute and I'm glad that Sage got a bag for herself.

  26. These sound yummy! And I love your cute photos. :)

  27. I'm glad Mr. N is enjoying the Instinct Raw Boosters as treats as well as a mean topper. It was very nice of you to give Sage some to take home!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  28. These mixers / boosters really have me thinking about raw feeding!
    Annette @PetsAreFound

  29. I love the title and the picture of Mr.N with the bag! So cute! Looks like these mixers are a popular food!!


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