26 February 2016

Children's Games for Dogs

Watching dogs play is often reminiscent of watching children play. They like to play the same games and often require the same amount of policing. 

Mr. N and Sage like to expend their energy by playing tag. Mr. N prefers to be "it." Whenever Sage is running, you'll see Mr. N right behind her. Just biding his moment to tackle her and declare victory.

Hide and seek is also a favorite. Their strong sense of smell makes the game easier so they like to "disguise" their scent by rolling in various disgusting things. 

Mr. N and Sage defend their fort from all invaders. Canine or equine or human! 

Much like children though, the most popular game is "it's mine!" If Sage finds a stick, Mr. N immediately claims it as his. Sage usually waits until Mr. N tires of it and then steals it back. 

Which games do your dogs like to play?


  1. Lol, they're always so cute together!! Missy & Buzz like to play fetch as well - they used to like the "It's mine" game when they were puppy puppies, but kind of stopped at some point. I have no idea, why!

  2. Those are fun games. When my friend Lila comes over, I like to play, you-can-have-my-toys- I-have-your-mom.

    Love and licks,

  3. Chase and wrestle is always our favorite, but lately we've been playing with sticks. Bailie gets one, then I get one and she has to steal mine. Fun stuff. Simple can be good.

  4. Love seeing these two together - they get along so well and have so much fun!

  5. I'm in love with that 2nd photo - talk about cuteness overload OMDoodle :)

  6. Those are fun games ! As cats we rather play "catch me if you can" or wrestling games. Purrs

  7. What an adorable friendship. Love that size doesn't matter at all for them.

  8. Barley doesn't really know how to play with other dogs. She wants to play with some of them--I think she'd prefer chase, but she's a little too enthusiastic about the tackling part (and doesn't like to take turns with who gets to be tackled), so she's stuck playing with her kitty brother. She'll bow and bark at hime and he'll just flop down in front of her and look at her like she's crazy.

    1. Poor Barley. Mr. N didn't know how either until his foster brother pup taught him.

  9. Love seeing them together, its bliss - Layla does not play that much - and when she does in the park I nearly faint BOL and never have a camera to show it

  10. They are too cute! The girls play a lot of similar games and Zoe does the same thing to Phoenix about the stick. :D

  11. What fun games - get the stick is fun to play!! They make a cute couple for photography and showing how small and big dogs can play together!

  12. I love how well Mr. N and Sage play together!
    It's Mine is definitely a favorite around here. There may be no interest in a toy until one of them makes it interesting, and then everyone has to have that toy!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. Theo loves to play tug with a human. Theo and Nelly will play a game of tag or chase. Sophie doesn't play with the other two much, but she's famous for stealing a dropped toy and sneaking off with it.

  14. The boys love to wrestle and play laser tag.

  15. What a great photo series - love the 'hide and seek' shot in the logs.

  16. N and Sage are as thick as thieves! Love these shots you got -- cannot wait to join you!

  17. I love how Mr N and Sage play together, they are so cute and really photogenic. Since Mary (my dog) has lost her companions she doesn't play much. She is also 13 years old. However, recently, I started playing hide and seek with her, and she is so funny when she finally finds me. It's like she has this huge smile on her face and comes running at me. I'm glad to see her playing again.

  18. That's fantastic they're such good buddies. Mr. N is like the little brother that follows and copies lol

  19. Oh my goodness I really enjoyed reading this and seeing the pictures! It is adorable how Mr. N and Sage play!! Shasta is still learning what playing is all about... Our friend's dog Odor (a pug) has been taking upon himself to teach him!!

  20. I love playing hide and seek with the dogs!

  21. Chase, "go find" (he still won't bring back much), tickle/wrestle and hide and seek are Kilo's faves but he plays them with us.

  22. Aw looks like you guys have tons of fun! Simba likes to play tag too!

  23. What fun! Rosa loves to play tag with her friend and also chase. It's so fun to watch because they go 'round and 'round the pine tree in the back yard chasing each other.

  24. They are like children. :) JF takes every toy Dewi ever gets, eventually. Even when I buy them both the exact same toy at the same exact time. I'm not sure Dewi enjoys that part of the "game." But as a pair, without toys, they LOVE bitey face, and running around in circles taking turns holding each other's leash in their teeth (outside). And tug of war (before JF decides he needs to take the rope and sit on it).
    Mr. N and Sage are great pals!

  25. We love to play hide and seek with our dog and make that a year-round indoor game. These are fun photos, too.

  26. Adorable photos! We like to play "thundering herds of elephants" late at night. You'd be amazed how loud two Persians can be as they are running down the hallway.

  27. Since we have a new puppy, Kevin, the most popular game right now is chase the puppy. Kevin loves this game, and I'm amazed that the bigger Tzus can't catch him, he's fast!!!

  28. Aww, Sage is such a good friend! I know what it's like when your sweet fur-babies insist on rolling in disgusting stuff!
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  29. Aww, Sage is such a good friend! I know what it's like when your sweet fur-babies insist on rolling in disgusting stuff!
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  30. Love the photos, especially the two of them in profile! Kiki and Tashi don't play together, but Kiki always trys to swipe Tashi's squeaky toys, before she goes to bed in her crate. She knows she'll need to give it to me, but she can't help herself!

  31. Love the photos, especially the two of them in profile! Kiki and Tashi don't play together, but Kiki always trys to swipe Tashi's squeaky toys, before she goes to bed in her crate. She knows she'll need to give it to me, but she can't help herself!


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