01 February 2016

Training Confessions: Unedited Trick Video Footage (Canine Bowling)

After watching Mr. N "bowl" (knocking over pins with his paw/nose), a young relative asked if Mr. N knew how to use a bowling bowl. I said not yet. So after we acquired a child's bowling set, I set about teaching him how to bowl for real. 

We were also inspired by Denise Fenzi's blog post about posting positive unedited training videos so here's one of our training sessions. Mr. N was super patient with my tinkering with technology and put up with several mini-training sessions. We're still experimenting with our new GoPro so this is technically take four. 

I've been working on this trick with a clicker and shaping (breaking down a behavior into tiny steps and rewarding those small steps until the final behavior). He's starting to get the idea. 

Welcome to First Monday's Positive Pet Training Blog Hop hosted by Cascadian NomadsTenacious Little Terrier and Rubicon Days. Please share your responsible pet owner positive pet training tips by linking a blog post or leaving a comment below. Any positive reinforcement training posts or comments are also always welcome. The Positive Pet Training Blog Hop goes all week long. Our next hop will begin Monday, March 7th and continues for a week. 


  1. That's flat out BRILLIANT, Mr. N. I learned bowling with empty water bottles, but when Mom bought me a bowling set, she threw the ball away! Aaargh! I'm pretty sure I could've learned that.

    Love and licks,

  2. You are so smart Mr. N! Nice strike at the end there.

  3. How cute! That is a really creative trick.

  4. Okay, I actually cried out "yay!" the first time he knocked down the pins. Very cute.

  5. Great job, Mr. N! That really looks like a fun trick, I'm going to have to keep that one in mind to try. I'll have to remember to do it on a rug like you did...much quieter that way! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. Haha. We mostly have carpet so I wasn't really thinking about that.

  6. Mr. N is smart and super adorable! What a winning combination.

  7. That is an awesome trick. You should get Mr. N into Treiball! Small dogs get to use small balls. Wilhelm gets just as excited about nosing the ball- he doesn't want to wait!

    1. I think he would do Treibball but he might find it boring. He would like to "herd" live things please.

  8. That is nothing but total cuteness overload. How sweet. I loved the video.

  9. I LOVE this trick. I can see that it would be a fun game/trick for a bored puppy on those bad weather days!

    Good job!

  10. Aw... SO CUTE! With our super long winters ... I think we need to do this to switch things up a bit.

  11. You're such a good bowler, Mr. N! :) I love mom's pjs, too!

  12. Aww, that's so sweet! Mr N sure loves his treats, doesn't he? He's such a smart little man. Peace

  13. Good job Mr. N! By the way, I love your girl's PJ's! They have poodles on them!

  14. You guys make it look so easy! Mr. N is such a smart little dude. :D


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