16 May 2016

One Must Suffer For Their Art

I asked Mr. N to pose on this log but it meant getting wet. He does not believe in getting wet any more than he absolutely has to. However, he is a cooperative model (mostly) and waded out to the log and posed. He took the long way on the way back and walked to the other end which was close to shore and jumped the last few inches. 

Does your dog suffer for art (photos)? Or is it a chore getting them to pose at all?


  1. I'm impressed. Ruby hates water and would not have cooperated to walk out to the log. I would have had to carry her out there.

    1. I was kind of surprised too! I thought I might have to pick him up and deposit him.

  2. It used to be a chore for Jaxson, but he's starting to learn a great deal from Harley!

  3. Good job, Mr. N! Dogs that don't like water are funny. Our beagle Kobi would do anything to skirt around even a puddle! The girls simply won't do anything they don't want to, but Luke will do as I ask even if he's not thrilled about it, knowing that treat will be coming soon!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  4. I put up wif a lot, but I draw da line at water.

  5. Oh Mr. N, you look cute even when wet Shasta wants to make sure you were well compensated for your efforts! The picture turned out great! Smiles, Barks and Wagging Tails, Denise & ~Shasta

    1. Please reassure Shasta that Mr. N was rewarded with duck jerky for his efforts!

  6. Wet is not your best look, Mr. N. Your face says it all. I can see why you avoid it. For me, it's flat-out too much like a B-A-T-H. I feel ya, buddy.

    Love and licks,

    1. Haha yeah. Wet and long-haired, skinny dogs... not a good mix!

  7. You're such a great model!! Even if you don't like to get wet, you still did it for the picture! That's a true model!! Love xx

  8. Montecristo is the same. HATES getting wet but the show must go on!

  9. Barley would definitely say she suffers for her art--she will pose for pictures with waves crashing behind her and spraying her tail, but she is definitely not happy about it (until she remembers all o the treats that come afterwards).


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