09 May 2016

The Pursuit of Canine Happyness

Things that make Mr. N happy:
  • Walks. Especially if they have new smells.
  • Running wild and free. 
  • Treats and food that meet his exacting standards. 
  • Admiration and adoration.
  • Showing off tricks to an audience.
  • Being right.
  • Squirrels. Rabbits. Horses. Mice. Hamsters.
  • Being petted just the right way. Preferably by multiple people.
  • Playing with his squeaky toys and his bear.
  • Dog wrestling with a worthy opponent.
  • Outsmarting people and other dogs.
  • Naps in the sun.
  • Sleeping on layers of down.
  • Rolling in the grass.
  • Human companionship. Ones that understand his high maintenance lifestyle. 
What makes your dog(s) happy?


  1. Cute list! Barley agrees with most of these items, too--although I'm not sure if wrestling makes her happy because she is not a nice wrestler and doesn't get to do it. She's also not a grass dog--she would prefer to stay out of the grass if it were up to her and never lies down in it without being asked to.

    1. Mr. N adores wrestling with other small dogs and big dogs he bosses around and rolling around in the grass in the sun. To each their own right?

  2. What a sweet post. Ruby is most happy when we are all home together. She is definitely a family first kind of girl.

    1. Mr. N likes home down time but he loves being out on walks more, I think.

  3. Yes, Mr. N. Your priorities are in order! I'd have cuddling with Mom at the top of the list. I'd LOVE to have running free on my list like you do, but I am not allowed off my leash....

    Love and licks,

  4. We love our nose work, walks with Mom and pretty much anything we can do with Mom. Bailie loves tracking and running with Mom too.

    1. Exactly! Mr. N is happy to just be with me everywhere except for maybe the vet.

  5. You pretty much nailed it - swimming would be added to Jaxson's list.

    1. Mr. N does not believe in swimming. He knows how to do it but he prefers wading.

  6. I don't have any dogs but a lot of those things make the Farm cats happy. Heck, a lot of those things make ME happy.

  7. Ha Ha!! My pack would agree with all on the list. But, if they could ever catch that illusive squirrel they would be in Heaven!

  8. It's getting to the time of year for....HOSE TAG! Magic loves playing chase-the-water from the hose.

    1. Haha. Mr. N would consider that cruel and unusual punishment. He hates getting wet.

  9. Mr N. and Miss Edie have one thing in common - being right! Lol!

  10. love that you made a list! So adorable!

  11. A good game of fetch and a comfy place to rest up afterwards!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. Mr. N is meh about fetch but he loves chasing the dogs that are fetching.

  12. My dogs like all of those things except wrestling. Theo loves tug of war too.

  13. Well, we're cats and what makes us happy are: pets and scritches from our humans, window whiffies, treats, nip toys!

  14. Truly adorable - Mr. N has his priorities in order! My fuzzy ones most favorite things: Dad (yes, somehow my husband gets all the accolades.....), food, sunshine, the backyard, outdoor playtime and food :)

  15. Our happy list for cats includes treats, a warm sunbeam to take an afternoon nap, feather toys, loving pets from Mom Paula, and a safe home.


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