04 May 2016

You Can Teach an "Old" Dog New Tricks!

I'm very proud of my little dog. He has come a long way. I refer to Mr. N as my guinea pig dog as he is my first dog and he gets the brunt of all of my training trial and errors. He wasn't the easiest dog for a beginner (separation anxiety, frustration-based reactivity, prey drive) but I'd still pick him all over again.

This past month, Mr. N has:
  • Seen a squirrel running twenty feet away, looked at it and made a conscious choice to stay with me off-leash.
  • Walked in a pet fashion show with my friend's kid in front of other dogs and llamas while waiting in line with cats, dogs and a bird.
  • Made progress with his separation anxiety. He will bark for a few minutes when I first leave and then settle down for the vast majority of the time I'm at work.
  • Learned the beginning of a "hold" through shaping. We're up to ten seconds in duration.
  • Attended several training classes in which he has not reacted to a single dog. Our trainer told us that he was one of the calmest dogs in class that day... never thought I'd hear those words!
He is very proud of himself too!


  1. You are awesome, Mr. N, but are you feeling alright? I can't imagine not going after a squirrel??? You are really something!

  2. Great work! It's always fun to see the challenges they overcome!

  3. Good work to both of you! Sounds like has come a long way.

  4. Mr. N should be very proud of his achievements! And well done to have a super mom to be there for him!

  5. You're a super star, Mr. N! What is a hold? I think Mom might want to teach that to me.

    Love and licks,

    1. It's when they hold something in their mouth and stay like that. It makes for cute pictures!

  6. Mr. N deserves to be proud! Great accomplishments... and adorable photo!

  7. what growth! good for both of you... shows trust

  8. Awesome work! Celebrate your accomplishments :) I'm currently dealing with training a reactive puppy so I know how much work can be behind even minor victories.

    1. Reactive dogs are a lot of work, for sure. He has made a lot of progress but we still have a ways to go!

  9. Not chasing that squirrel is a feat within itself. Congratulations my friend, we are so proud you.

  10. Sounds like you guys have been doing a lot of work, good job.

  11. Mr N is so adorable! And, seriously? You stayed while faced with a squirrel? You need an extra tasty meal and extra treats for that!

  12. Awww...so glad he's working through all this, you're both super dedicated!

  13. That's so great! I'm especially impressed with the first one! (I'd love to find a reactivity class to take Rita to, but every time I search for a local one I can't find anything. Just trainers who work w/ you one-on-one, but I want to expose Rita to other dogs. Have to remember to keep looking.)

    1. Thanks! I'm sure there's more but this training center offers reactive dog classes in San Diego.

  14. Mr. N, you are awesome, Layla says she should learn from you a few tricks :)

  15. Great job! Those are awesome accomplishments!

  16. Great work!! You both should be very proud!! Keep it up!!
    Love x

  17. Good job Mr N! I'm a first dog too but luckily my mom lets me get away with anything. Love Dolly

  18. He could be the holiest of terrors and I'd still think he was the most adorable thing ever. :) SO wonderful that you've come so far with him. That's all on YOU. You should be very proud!

    1. Haha. Thanks!The Corgis are going to get jealous. Mr. N turned out to be much more of a project dog than I anticipated but I wouldn't give him up for anything.

  19. You both should be very proud! I'm sure it's been a long hard road to get to where you are today and I'm so glad all of your hard work has paid off! Plus it gives the rest of us hope! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. Thank you! We still have the occasional setback but I see how much progress he is making and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Behavior modification is hard. I'd much rather teach tricks but the former is necessary!

  20. I'm glad he is doing better with his separation anxiety

    1. Thank you, I am too. It's probably my least favorite dog issue to deal with after severe aggression, I think.

  21. Hooray for Mr. N! I know he's an incredible dog, but I hope you give yourself credit too. He's lucky to have you helping him in so many ways!

    1. He's making me a much better trainer for sure! People often want him... but they wouldn't want to keep him. He's a handful for sure. So it's good he ended up here lol.

  22. Just a huge wow and congrats to you and Mr N. I am inspired for Kilo the Pug. Such great news and progress. We have made some too- slow and steady and lots of love and hard work (and treats LOL)

    1. Thank you! We still have some distance issues to work through (his threshold is about 10-15 feet right now) but I can see the end! Eventually. Treats would definitely be thanked in our acceptance speech lol. Slow and steady is key!

  23. We think Mr. N is adorable and how wonderful that he's come so far with your guidance.

  24. I love reading about your training sessions with Mr N - he's come so far!

    1. Thanks! I'm glad people enjoy hearing about our travails!

  25. Congrats on this! I know how hard it is to work with a dog who needs some help.

    Christie from lifewithbeagle.com

  26. Consistent training works. Dogs don't improve in the time that a half-hour TV show makes you think they will. It takes time and love. Way to go Mr. N!!!

    1. I know right? I can teach a dog how to shake in a few minutes... overcoming a fear? That's months and months of work.

  27. I had no idea you were dealing with those issues. Good for you! Sounds like he is making amazing progress with your guidance. I can't wait to see what he'll do next!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  28. The best part of this to me is the fashion show! My dogs could never walk down the runway with cats and llamas, N is our role model. This shows total control on his part!

  29. I'm glad to know that might not be too late for my fourteen year old. Repetition and consistency are key, I guess.

  30. He's doing good isn't he? Some dogs just take a while longer but human patience is the key to success! Go Mr N. you can do this!!!


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