Please join the Positive Pet Training Blog Hop on the first Monday of each month beginning next week, January 6th, hosted by Cascadian Nomads, Dachshund Nola & Tenacious Little Terrier. Since January is National Train Your Dog Month, we encourage posts themed with Train Your Dog's motto "Make training a part of everyday life with your dog." However, any posts about positive based training with any pets are welcome in the blog hop this and every month.
Training brings joy to our house. It is infinitely more pleasant having dogs who behave (although they don't always!). Plus Mr. N enjoys the attention and praise and mental stimulation and Onyxx likes the treats that come with training. And it makes me laugh. Often when they're not doing the right thing!
There have been training days when I'm frustrated to the point of tears (always reactivity training) but mostly I just laugh. At Mr. N because he's so serious about trying to figure out what I want and I can see the little wheels in his head turning. And at Onyxx because he's just hysterical to watch in his pursuit of food. His latest trick is to lie in front of Mr. N when I ask for a down so he can try to get to the treat first.
So please share your stories of training triumphs and failures and progress with us and we'll do the same. Foster dog Onyxx came to us two months ago, knowing nothing. Not even his name. And look at him now!