22 September 2013

Monday Mischief #5 - Being the Obstacle

I dropped Mr. N off at his former foster family's house so he could play for a few hours while I went to work. They always have a household full of dogs including foster dogs. The new addition to the household: The-Chihuahua Formerly Known As Prince. He's an older Chihuahua mix. Possibly Pomeranian. He's a very sweet and calm dog. Low maintenance (unlike some dogs who I could name). Happy to be where you are and content with short walks.

When I came to pick him up, a potential adopter had come to see TCFKAP. Or she thought she was anyway.

Mr. N thinks attention and adoration from everyone is his rightful due. Apparently, he was putting on quite the show for the adopter prancing about and showing off how cute he is. He probably pulled out his bag of tricks too.
Mr. N making new friends at the park. 
His foster finally had to pick him up to let TCFKAP get some attention. Mr. N tried to stop another dog's adoption!

So what do you say? Worst mischief of this week's blog hop?

In other news, Mr. N:

  • Turned off Netflix twice. Someone wants attention.
  • Was trying to play with a stuffed toy attached to a balloon at a friend's store. Got tangled and it took me about five minutes to untangle him, the leash and the toy. Sadly, there is no video evidence.
  • Suddenly nudged me as we were walking. I look over at him puzzled then notice the dog sticking its head out of the car window. He was telling to tell me hey, I noticed the dog and I was good and didn't bark. Where's my treat?

Snoopy's Dog Blog


  1. Hi Y'all!

    Stoppin' a sweet doggie from gettin' adopted? That's not fair! You already have a loving home! It's somebody else turn now.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. I know! I told him it was selfish but I don't think he quite understood me.

  2. Haha! Sounds like Mr.N was up to some great mischief this weekend and keeping you on your toes!

  3. BOL! What a handful! And an adorable one at that.

  4. LOL Its a good thing the adopters didn't want Mr. N. or maybe they did? ;)

    1. Who knows? Several people have said they want him but I don't think they know what a handful he is!


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