02 November 2015

Monitoring your Dog's Health and Exercise with a 'FitBit' for Dogs

Exercise and dog training go hand in hand. You can't expect a pent-up, under-stimulated dog to focus on training and pure exercise won't cut it with dogs, they need mental stimulation to work their brains too. Mind and body.

Mr. N is very firm on making sure he gets both. He enjoys his regular hikes with Sage and his daily outings. We also play with toys in the house, do conditioning work with his FitBone, and dabble with dog sports. For mental stimulation, he learns a wide variety of tricks and shows them off during therapy dog visits. I also take him with me all over the city so he is exposed to a wide variety of different things and smells. He is fascinated by the taxidermy store.

I received a FitBit for Christmas last year and have often thought that Mr. N could use one of his own. He would rack up those steps in no time. I've seen several different ones on the market for dogs but they're usually huge (at least on Mr. N) and/or not waterproof which is a necessity in the rainy Pacific Northwest. 

AMPT Animal reached out to us and their monitor fulfilled both requirements. It's 10 grams and Mr. N had no trouble bounding about with the prototype on his collar during an epic rainy weekend. You can use the monitor to track, analyse and set daily walk and play goals for your dog. It also comes with a wireless on-collar clicker and no, your dog can not self-reward. Mr. N tries with normal ones.

Credit: AMPT Animal
If you're interested in monitoring your dog's activity and health, AMPT Animal is offering a deal where the first 500 people can sign up to purchase a heavily discounted monitor as soon as it is available in exchange for product feedback. The monitor is an one time purchase with no contract or fees.

Mr. N wearing the AMPT prototype

Tenacious Little Terrier was offered a free AMPT Animal monitor in exchange for spreading the word about AMPT Animal.Tenacious Little Terrier was not otherwise compensated for this review post. All opinions expressed are our own. AMPT Animal is not responsible for post content.


  1. Very cool! Jada runs a lot on our property outside and it would be nice to monitor that. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I have wanted to try an activity monitor on the dogs for a while but most have looked to large for small dogs like Mr. N and Wilhelm. Plus, since we mix training and exercise time, the in collar clicker is going to be SO useful. When the AMPT Monitor is available, I hope I learn that my dogs get as much exercise as I think they do!

  3. Love all the new gadgets and apps that help motivate fitness. Also could Mr.N look any cuter in that red and white jacket :)

  4. Mr N you are such a specimen! Mom can't even manage her own fitness let alone mine but we do try to keep healthy! Love Dolly

  5. What a cool gadget! We don't have highly active dogs in our house, but I can only imagine what our Jack Russell Terrier would have racked up when he was alive!

  6. I really like the red color and it matches Mr. N's cute jacket so well! I'm excited for these to come out. I think we will all get some new insights on our dogs.

  7. Very interesting! I'd love to see how much Mauja and Atka don't move during the day ;)

  8. That would be really interesting to see how much he moves around! Since most of Rita's exercise involves ME moving around too, I just kind of assume my own FitBit tracking counts similarly for her too. Times two, since she has twice as many legs. :) BTW, Mr N looks SO adorable in his red harness!

  9. That looks like a really neat little device! I think it would be interesting to see what it says about the girls!

  10. Looks like everyone else in the blog hop got one of these to try!

  11. Very cool! I worry that Luke doesn't get enough exercise and activity so I would love something like this so I would know for sure. I have a Jawbone Up for myself, and it often tells me I'M not getting enough exercise and activity! I need anything that helps keep me (and thus the dogs) motivated!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. Hmm...looks interesting! I used the Whistle for a while with Brodie but found that it really wasn't giving me much more info than I could gather on my own. I'd love something a little more interactive.

  13. What an excellent product. Is it a tracking device as well, so dogs don't get lost?


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