14 November 2014

FitDog Friday #54 - Winter Preparations

We've currently going through a cold spell in Portland and the whole city is in a tizzy. We walked two miles yesterday and Mr. N was shivering despite his new winter coat due to the sleet. He was very happy to reach home and sleep on the down covers.

Mr. N gets cold pretty easily due to being slim and having hair and not fur. He's generally OK if I bundle him up and he's moving. It becomes problematic when he's cold and wet which happens a lot with our rainy climate.

I freeze pumpkin (not the pie filling) in an ice cube tray and I put a cube in the microwave and warm it up for him after a walk when he's all soggy. I'll usually add a pinch of liver or treat crumbs on top. Making broth for him is also on my list of projects.

I've put a snowsuit for Mr. N on his Christmas wishlist as well as a reflective vest now that we're walking more often in the dark. And warm and reflective clothing for me on mine. I'm pretty sure Mr. N owns more sweaters than I do at this point. I donated/sold/threw out all the winter clothing that didn't fit/like last spring and I really need to supplement my winter wardrobe.

I've swapped out Mr. N's summer/fall wardrobe (light weight shirts and his cooling coat) for his winter clothing (sweaters, pajamas, and coats).

And I'm also going through our clothes and washing winter clothing that was in storage and pulling out items to donate. Various organizations in our neighborhood are collecting for the homeless.

If I thought there were any homeless dogs (of the street variety, not in shelters) that were Mr. N's size, I'd donate some of his clothing as well but you don't really see toy breeds on the street for good reasons! Mr. N would make a terrible homeless person's dog.

How are you preparing for winter?


  1. I shiver a lot, too. I have a few coats, but Mom will get me a new one for this winter. We never walk 2 miles, just barely one and Mom's new knee is ready to hit the couch. And so am I. Mr. N., you look very handsome!

    Love and licks,

  2. Luckily we don't have to prepare too much, but I did get the fireplace checked out! Mr. N looks so cute curled up in that sweater...

  3. Roxy has to have a coat in the winter. It's tough on little dogs.

  4. I love the idea of Mr. N sipping warm broth after a chilly walk. It sounds so cozy and pleasant--please post pictures when this happens! Reflective clothing is on my Christmas list, too. Usually we don't walk after dark (and luckily I get home from work early enough we can still get in a couple miles before sunset), but when it's snowy, the lights reflect off the snow and make it easier to see loose dogs in time to change directions or get out the spray, so we sometimes do venture out and my one reflective coat is on it's last legs--hope Santa brings you and Mr. N lots of warm walking attire!

    1. I'll try to get a picture the next time. I hope Santa brings us warm things too! And you!

  5. I only take the girls out for short walks when it's freezing. Even with their winter jackets they just don't enjoy it. We play indoor games instead. If it's sunny and cold then we might go out for a bit longer, though!

    1. It was a combination of things yesterday. Mr. N got wetter than I expected and I was running a time-sensitive errand. Normally, if he's miserable and soaked, I'll just turn around.

  6. You smaller ones do have to bundle up a bit. Bailie had to be bundled as a puppy last winter, but this year we hope to be coat free again! Winter is so much fun!

  7. It's so cold but you guys look so warm and snuggly!

  8. Mr. N looks pretty cozy there. I like your idea about freezing pumpkin or broth cubes, I'm going to try that. We're ready for some nice snow walks here in Ohio...bring it on!

  9. We got wet snow/freezing rain overnight...bah humbug! Brown dawgs are still getting in their winter coats but once they do, they usually do pretty well in the cold. I have to get out my winter coat and gloves....yikes!

  10. Mr N., I ordered the same blue Hurtta coat you're wearing for Rocco! You guys are so the same!! It's an awesome coat!


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